The Meeting

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As me and Matthew were running for it, we accidentally bumped into two girls.

They both looked terrified and stuck in place. I couldn't tell which was older.

"C'mon, what are you doing?! Run!"

"No", said one of the girls.

I looked at her weird. "Do I know you from somewhere....?"

"Yes, on Wattpad, remember, Mylittlepony114 , this is my cousin".

Her cousin wasn't that talkative, and a bit mysterious, so I nicknamed her Luna while I nicknamed my friend from Wattpad Celestia.

I grabbed each of their hands and ran, I don't care of I was dragging them along. I'm hardly going to leave them there.

I knew that I had to put them in a safe place so I ran to one of the woods where there was tall shelters with locks and barriers. I was lucky enough to know how to pick a lock.

I could feel then both trembling. "Hey, it's gonna be ok."

I spoke too soon as something jumped right in front of us....

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