Under the Stars

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Day 1
9 AM: Point Place, Wisconsin
Out of nowhere, Forman rushes down into the basement like it isn't early. I'm still barely awake, and not especially excited to see him at this hour.
"Man, what am I gonna do?"
"What's it now?" I ask, giving him a passive aggressive yawn.
"I'm not going to Madison anymore!"
"Huh?" Did I hear him right? All he's been talking about for months is getting out of here with Donna.
"My dad's coming home from the hospital in twelve days, and he can't drive or do anything! I was still gonna go, but then my mom got that sad look on her face and I just felt so guilty...I need to stay and help out..."
Damn. Poor Forman. "You're a good man, Forman", I say, nodding. "Must be why we're nothing alike".
He nods. "Too good. But I just feel like my life is over! At the ripe old age of seventeen!"
Suddenly I'm hit with an idea. "No, man, your life is over in twelve days. See, you're forgetting about those twelve days. We're going to California".
He stares at me, wideyed. 'But.....but....we can't possibly afford place tickets!"
I shrug. "So we'll drive".
Before we can protest more, Jackie bursts in. I feel my stomach turn. God, why can't I get her off my mind? I shouldn't have cheated on her. But why does she have to be so exasperating, acting like Kelso's still an option and all? Does she even want to get back with me, despite the fact I feel like she's trying to seduce me half the time I see her?
"Hey, Jackie, your Easy Bake oven head any closer to making that incredibly hard decision?"
"Steven, I told you, I'm almost at my most delicious shade of cocoa brown and that's when you'll know. Trust me, you don't want me to rush!"
I groan. "Well, it might speed things along cause we're all driving to California for twelve days. Starting today".
She squeals. "Perfect! Rachel from the cheer team has a beach house we can stay at!" Then, another second later, "Ew, as long as I don't have to take the night driving shift". Great, she's both thrilled about this and she has connections for us to make this trip cheaper, just like I thought.
"Oh, you're taking the night shift" I reassure, patting her on the arm, although we both know she isn't if it's up to me.
Forman watches us, confused. "How are you guys just so...ready for this? Well, I think I'm finally starting to understand how you two worked out, even for a little while".
"Poor people and I don't work out, Eric" Jackie claims, glaring at me, but I fight back a smile. Jackie puts down poor people when she's trying to hide something.
"Let me go pack!"
"Alright, but hurry up, cause we're leaving in an hour" I instruct her. She runs out the door happily, and I have to force myself not to watch her leave. God, she's never gonna make up her mind, why can't I just forget her?
Forman turns back to me. "Hyde, I fully support a burn on Jackie, but Donna's never gonna say yes to this".
I sigh. "No, man, we're really going. Of course Donna'll want to be there for the last few days before her boyfriend turns into a complete drag. Just tell her she can see Midge, alright?"
He stares at me, like the immense favor I'm doing him is finally setting in. "Alright, I'll go tell her" he says, eagerly running off.
Great. Now the only challenge (I plan on driving down to Jackie's and blasting Zeppelin outside her window until she hurries up her packing because that girl could take hours) is making sure Kelso and Fez are awake. Probably recruit the two of them to help me steal some food from the hotel kitchen for the trip. Which can easily be accomplished.

11 AM: Point Place, Wisconsin
We all pile into the Vista Cruiser, She's Not There by Santana playing from the radio as we head toward Iowa. Eric, Donna and me sit in the front, Jackie, Fez and Kelso in the back. I think you can guess who chose the seating arrangements, but it's not gonna last, thanks to the meticulous driving duty chart Donna made. Unfortunately, my shift is the last before we plan on calling it a night, the infamous 11-2. Guess I jinxed it when I told Jackie she'd have to do it. Should've made the damn list myself.
Jackie taps me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Steven".
"Will you put my jacket in the front? I just feel so...constricted"
"Alright" I tell her, but when I turn around again she's in a tiny strapless top that doesn't even reach her belly button, smirking at me.
"What, you don't care about the view out the window?" she asks as I can't help but eye her up and down. I force myself to look away, shooting her a dirty look. Who does she think she is? It shouldn't be legal for a girl to act like they don't want you but then try to make you go hard a second later. God. I need to stop giving her the time of day. Who cares about the look Fez is also giving her.
"Are we almost there?" he asks from the back.
"No, man, this is a huge country. I think it takes like, a whole hour to drive across!" Kelso replies.
"God, I'm sick of sitting next to you two idiots!" Jackie shouts.
I groan. This is gonna be a long drive.

Going to California Part 2Where stories live. Discover now