My chapters~Skye

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this is all the cp chapters from my old experiences book, theyre all compiled in one chapter
(all the "last nights" arent actually, these are all old)

Alright so last night at about like 2:50 am (mountain standard time) I was talking to a couple of people on discord and then all of a sudden, I hear this noise outside near my backdoor. it sounds like metal hitting metal. I tell the people I was talking to and one of them asks me if I hear a cracking noise and then I realized that the noise I was hearing wasn't my fridge. So I'm freaking out and I look out the huge window right near me and through the crack in the curtains I see fucking masky and I'm literally in tears by this point so I move to my room and still hear all the noises. Eventually, after like 20-30 minutes everything stops, just NO noise absolute silence and by this point, I'm just glad the motherfucking noises stopped. anyways after everything stopped I stayed up until 4:30 AM and fell asleep (onto my laptop that had a pic of Jeffy boii on it so Jeff) I hope none of this happens again I'll do an update tomorrow.

I was chilling in my living room and I have the tv up hella loud and I get up to get cereal and all of a sudden get milk EVERYWHERE because my tv just glitched the fuck out and stopped making noise and so I'm cleaning up the fucking milk when I hear whispering and i think it might be the tv but HEELLLL NAHH the tv was U N - F U C K I N G - P L U G G E D and the tv's plugin isn't where I can see it from where I was getting cereal and i only saw it when I sat back down so I plug the tv in and wait for it to turn on when I hear the LOUDEST. FUCKING. CRACK. EVER. I know it wasn't a gun because it was close but not deafening it sounded like somebody neck got snapped so THE FUCK it was right near my (With closed blinds thank god) huge living room window and I just noped out of there and went to my room and ate my cereal and stayed there until my mom got back home so yay! this happened yesterday btw but I wanna put this mini one in this chapter here we go! XD

So I was tapping my hand to the beat of my music (with headphones) and it was kinda like "dun dun DUN dun dun DUN dun dun DUN", it was an upbeat song lol and I stopped because I hear leaves crunching outside my window and I take out my earbuds and hear "dut dut DUT dut dut dut DUT DUT" (I'm improvising I can't remember exactly how it went nor how to put it in words) on the fricking window of my bedroom and it was LITERALLY the next part of the song so FML

So I KINDAAAA aLittleBitMaybeSorta took a lighter that got left on my neighbor's porch (I don't f*cking smoke lol, I just like to burn/melt random things S A F E L Y (kinda) so don't go all "It'S bAd FoR yOuR lUnGs" in the comments) but anyways, of COURSE, my mom would take it away. So I had it hidden in the back of my dresser, like, behind the friggin drawer. Anyways I wanted to hide it in a different place (Anxiety is my best fucking friend) so I went to get the lighter and it is NOT FUCKING THERE =.= I am 9000% percent sure the spoopy noodles took it from me. Either one of them wanted to be an asshole or one of them took it from me so that I wouldn't accidentally hurt myself.

so0ooooo0o0o0o0o0oo0oo0o0o0o I was just chilling yesterday, and It was like 2 am or some shit and I'm thirsty, so, I go get water. I'm walking back I step on something as I walk past my couch, and it took a minute for my brain to register but as I stepped off of it I realized it was bony like a hand but leathery. way to leathery to be human, and it was so fragile feeling that any other thing would've snapped at the pressure of being stepped on but it didn't just kinda bent. Naturally, I just booked it to the room I was sleeping in and told the only person that was on the discord server I'm in what the hell happened

just realized i have no idea where the bruises on my thighs came from i thought they were from swimming but how the hell do you get a bruise from swimming?! one is u n c o m f o r t a b l y high on my thigh (think slightly lower than my waistband) and its slightly bigger than my thumb if i were to put my thumbprint on it

i was wearing a necklace someone gave me and it had a little circle on it with best friend written on it, i was wearing my necklace the whole time and was playing with it and walking around, when my little circle got caught on something, legit it got caught by the corner of the wall but i dont think it got caught..i felt something snatch it off my chest and pull me back by it but i was too tired/delusional to even realize until after i was walking again, but i think that fucker cut my little circle off my necklace cause its GONE but my necklace didnt break and the circle couldnt have fallen off on its own, now i just have a fucking c h a i n anyways whoever cut my circle off, i dont like you

ok so i listen to music at night, i also have "dAdDy wOuLd YoU lIkE sOmE sAuAsAgE" 10 hours bookmarked on my computer, dont ask but i woke up to (and i sleep away from my laptop so i dont turn anything like that on by accident):my window open, something falling off my dresser onto the ground" AND DADDY WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SAUSAGE PLAYING, i sleep with my window LOCKED because we in the gHeThO ratatattatatataattatatatattata so idk who the hell got it open but i think someone tried to get on my computer and didnt mean to click it, so before i could open my eyes they jumped back out the window anyways YEET

why did i say that

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