Memories of a Forgotten Past

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I hear an invisible school choir
Singing their wails of past
I sing the harmony to their melody
As they reach a rising crescendo

Screams echo from the old mines
Where they say a wandering boy got lost
I hug the boards barring the entrance
He sighs and stop screaming

Translucent children appear near the cemetery
The alive ones don't seem fazed
They laugh and play with their undead friends
When they grow up, the ghosts don't grow up with them

A boy in tattered clothes with stripes on them
Stands in a field of lavender
He turns and stares at me
I smile and hold out my arms
He hugs me tightly and disappears

There's a name on the breaths of the wind
If I listen closely, I can make it out
They whisper it to me and I can hear it
I never remember the name afterwards

I dream of a girl in a cursed school
With her chopped-off locks and her bloodstained uniform
She tries to tell me her name
But she can't remember her real one

A row of ghostly children stand in a line
A boy claws at his braids that aren't there and a girl clutches a rolled-up rug
The others hold their memories of a forgotten past too
They all had tears in their eyes and gags in their mouths.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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