Chapter one

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I have been getting 100% days but no matter what I keep getting bad endings, I don't really feel like playing anymore it's just isn't sitting well, what happened to the times when I would always get the bad endings most of all the more "yandere" endings, I think I'll try sevens this time just for a farewell he was my first love out of them all... I reset feeling strange I choose a deep story but guilt is burning in my stomach my phone starts glitching red and black plenty of both pictures from the game and on my phone then a black screen with a red tint and words show up saying...

Į wøñ;t førgęt

My phone vibrates and flashes red colors and I feel a piercing pain in my head as everything starts spinning and black dots fill my vision and I slowly loose consciousness...

Sorry this first chapters kinda short

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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