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We parked the boat at Tanny Hill and decided to walk to the jail to get the van. "I wonder if i have the keys." I said, feeling around in my pockets. "Back left pocket." JJ said, reaching in and taking them out. "Thanks. What were you doing digging around in my pockets earlier?" "I was starting a video on your phone. There should be at least some sort of audio we can use to get him locked up. I think the camera was in your pocket." "Oh my god. That was so smart. I really do under estimate you don't I?" "Yes you do." I rolled my eyes and laughed as I laced my fingers in his. "What was up with his leg? He was having some serious issues climbing up that ladder." "Oh, I broke his ankle." "You did what?" "He was basically going on some super cheesy super villain rant while kicking the shit out of me and then said that I'm just a little girl and there was nothing I could do to stop him. So I grabbed his foot and broke his ankle." "Holy shit." "I know." I said. "I am a force to be reckoned with."

As we walked, we just kinda talked about whatever came to our minds. Well, not everything. I could tell he wanted to talk about what happened, and I wanted to too. But neither of us were willing to bring it up. We got the the jail about 15 minutes later. He grabbed his keys to his bike and looked down at the ground. "So. I guess this is it." I said. "I guess." He said with a shrug. "Well, thanks for helping me with Ward." "No problem, sorry you had to deal with him." "It's fine." I said. "Well, I guess I'll see you around." We both turned and began to walk away. "Wait." I said, turning around to face him.

He spun around to face me. "Shit, I didn't think of what to say. Um. Fuck." He took a step closer to me and I felt my heart beak quicken. "It's okay. I have all day." He took another step closer. I took a deep breath and looked up at the cloudy sky. "How about I go first." He said, taking one final step, and taking my hands in his. "You better make it quick."I said as the sky darkened and we heard thunder. Before he could even start talking, it started to pour down raining. "Look, I just want to tell you that I'm really s-" "Hey! You two! Read the sign. No loitering!" a cranky police officer said. "Sorry." JJ turned back to me and a joint fell out of his pocket. The officer saw and looked up at us with rage in her eyes. We looked at each other and took off running.

We ran for a few blocks before finding a tiny old shed to hide in. We closed the door to the shed and waited until we thought it was safe to start laughing hysterically. He pulled me into a hug and we felt the roof dripping on us. We both moved our wet hair out of our faces and let out a sigh. "Gabbie. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to say what I said. Also, I'm sorry I was so clingy. I was worried that you were gonna start to get close to Rafe and then fall in love with him or some shit like that. I guess the fact that he kissed you might have given me a little bit of a reason to be worried though." "Oh my god Shut up. Rafe Cameron is like a 6, at most. You, my friend, are a 13 out of 10." He laughed and shook the water out of his hair. "I'm sorry too." "For what?" "For overreacting. Well, I kind of over reacted. Part of my reaction was justified.""What part would that be?" "Getting pissed as fuck." "I'll give you that." "Oh shut up." I said, lightly punching his arm. He leaned down, held the sides of my face, and kissed me.  We pulled away and I couldn't help but smile. I held his hand a pushed open the shed door. "Where are we going?" "I have something to show you."

I opened the door to my house 15 minutes later. "I'm back!" I called into the house. "Holy shit!" I heard John B exclaim as I walked in. He got up and hugged me. "You told me you were going to bail out JJ and then you never came back." "We went on a little adventure." "Wait, we?" John B said, suddenly looking up to see a dumbfounded JJ. "Dude!" John B said, letting go of me and walking over to JJ. "This is some kind of joke right?" "Nope." I said, shaking my head. "John B? Is it for real you dude?" "Yeah man." John B said opening his arms. They bro hugged and walked in to the living room. "How the fuck did you end up back here." "It's a long story." "Well, Gabbie and i have time. It's not like we have homework to do." "Nice joke dude." "No I'm serious. She didn't tell you we both just quick school." "No." John B said, turning to face me. "You quit school?" "You fake died." "I did not fake die. I didn't even know you guys thought I was dead." "Dude, you drove an open boat straight into a tropical storm and the boat got consumed by a wave. Even a dumb ass like me can put together the pieces." "Oh, I  forgot to tell you that when they told us, JJ was ready to beat up every single officer." "On the monthly anniversaries of your death, she would go sit on the dock and drink a beer and she would talk to you. We even gave her messages to give to you." "No way." John B said with a little laugh as he sat down. "Thanks a ton JJ." "No. I'm not laughing at you. I did the same thing. I would go to the beach with a beer and talk to you and tell how much I missed you. I would even pour some beer int he water, hoping it would reach you." "Oh my god! I did the same thing." "How are you guys not twins?" "Shut up." We said in unison. We both started laughing and we all start talking and catching up with each other.

Paradise On Earth ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now