Three | School

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I woke up to the sound of Vanessa's soothing voice.

"Kalani wake up dear." She said sweetly.

My eyes fluttered open but shut back closed due to the bright sun light in the room.

"Come on it's almost tome for school we gotta get going." She said softly.

My eyes opened back up slowly and I sat up in the bed and saw Francisco standing on my bed as Vanessa tried waking me.

"Nini!" Francisco says hugging me tightly.

"Hey buddy." I said hugging him back.

"Now get dressed so we can fix your hair nice for your first day!" She said exiting with Francisco in her arms.

I got up and got dressed into a cute black dress with little buttons going up and I put a jean jacket over it. I put on some nice slip on shoes then walked out to find Vanessa. Once I did she braided my hair into Dutch braids.

"Dang you're hair is so long and thick." She joked as I chuckled at her comment.

"Good morning ladies." Lin said walking into the bathroom where Vanessa and I were doing hair.

"Morning Lin." I said with a smile as he smiled back.

He fixed his hair for the day and then waited for us to be done so he could take me to school.

"Okay you're done. Have a wonderful day okay? I bet you'll make lots of new friends okay?" Vanessa says hugging me and kissing my head as I hugged her back.

"Okay I will." I said to her and I held Lin's hand walking out to the living room.

I gave the boys hugs and so did Lin before we left for the morning. I grabbed my coat and gloves before walking out then I had run back in because I had realized I forgot my backpack. Once I got everything I followed Lin to his car. Once we got on the road Lin explained what the school was like.

"It's really small which is good. The only thing is... well they have the high school in with the elementary. So you will have lunch with high schoolers but that will be fine. You'll have plenty of room away from them so." Lin explained.

This alarmed me. High schoolers are so big and scary. Also most of the kids at the foster home were high schoolers and they were not all very nice so who knows what will happen.

"Remember no boys." Lin joked as we pulled up to the school.

"Ahaha okay Lin." I laughed getting my backpack.

"In a serious note. Have a great day. People are going to love you." He said hugging me and kissing my head.

"Okay I hope so." I replied.

"They will. Now go on you'll be late." He said with a smile.

"Okay love you." I blurted out. I clamped my hand over my mouth realized what I had just said. What if he gets angry?

"Love you too." He said with the biggest smile.

I smiled back then ran through the cold into the building. As I got in I let out a sigh of relief getting into the warm building.

"Hi Kalani I'm Principal Kingston. Welcome to our school." A tall woman said with a smile on her face.

"Hi. Thanks you." I replied following her as she continued to speak.

"So here is your locker okay? You may put your stuff in it but most of our students just catty their backpack around. In here is your textbooks and your gym clothes. Now follow me to your class room." She said as her high heels clicked down the hall. We arrived at a classroom and she opened the door. Inside I heard talking and as soon at Mrs. Kingston walked in it all went silent.

"Hello students hello Miss Jefferson. We have a new students today. Her name is Kalani and I expect all of you to be very kind and loving to her okay?" She said as I walked in.

"Yes Principal Kingston." The class said happily.

After a few words to Miss Jefferson, Principal Kingston left the classroom. 

"Hello Kalani would you like to take a seat next to Journi?" Miss Jefferson asked kindly.

I nodded sitting next to the girl. She was absolutely beautiful. She had these blue eyes that were so bright. She had black hair that fell just perfectly. I hope she's as nice as she looks. 

"Hello I'm Journi would you like to sit with me at lunch?" She asked me kindly.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

"Okay girls we are starting now." Miss Jefferson said. 

We both nodded then looked forward at the board. The whole class I stayed to myself and just stayed quiet. After this class we had a recess break. Of course being in the 5th grade we still had recess. When we went out to play Journi and I stayed under the big toy and drew pictures in the sand. Once recess was over we got to go to lunch and Journi and I sat together alone. She never talked to anyone. I was guessing she didn't have many friends so I was glad I could be one. 

"Okay Miss Jefferson's class can go to class." One of the teachers that were watching all the kids in the cafeteria. 

Journi and I got up along with everyone else in our class. We walked back quietly to class. 

The rest of class was just a few more lessons then we had a free period to talk and have fun. The thing about being in the elementary was your parents had to come in the school to pick you up. 

"Kalani our parents can meet!" Journi said excitedly. 

"Yeah then we can hang out!" I added as we jumped up and down. 

"Journi, Kalani, your parents are here." Miss Jefferson called out. 

I looked over and saw Lin standing there happily. I ran over and gave him a huge hug.

"Hey Kalani how was school?" He asked.

"It was amazing Lin. I need you to meet someone!" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him to where Journi and her dad was standing. 

"Dad this is Kalani and her dad." Journi said to her father.

"Hi I'm Carl." Her dad said shaking Lin's hand.

"I'm Lin nice to meet you." Lin said shakng his hand. 

"We can hang out right?" I asked giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Well of course." Lin said smiling. 

"I don't see why not." Journi's dad agreed.

"You two can get together this weekend yeah?" Lin said as Journi's dad nodded in agreement. 

"Okay yay!" We said hugging tightly.

"See ya tomorrow Kalani." Journi said walking off with her dad. 

"Okay ready to go and tell Vanessa about your day?" He asked.

"Oh more than you know. I wanna tell everyone about it." I said to him.

"So you had a pretty good day huh?" 

"Oh better than good. It was amazing. I made the best friend ever and it was amazing." I said to him. 

"Well you can come tonight to tell the cast too." Lin said with a smile as we walked out hand in hand. 

"Oh I can't wait!" I said to him. 

A/N: Sorry it's been so long I've been struggling with school starting back and trying to get extra credits on my stuff. I hope you understand! Love ya the most! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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