Converse Pt. 1

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"Come on Char, It'll be fun!" Elsie pleaded me for the umpteenth time.

"El, you're my best friend, I don't know how, but you are. It is Wednesday night, I am not partying on a Wednesday. Actually I don't party on any day, for future reference. Plus I've got like three tests tomorrow that I still need to study for!" Okay so maybe I didn't have three tests, maybe just one, but if it helped my case, I would tell her a little white lie. I really don't want to go out tonight.

"Liar. I know your class schedule like the back of my hand. You only have one tomorrow, and you studied for that yesterday," Damn it. She knows me too well. "And as punishment for lying to me, you are marching your butt upstairs, putting on something cute, and we are going to this party!"

"Ugggg fiiiiiiine," I said and marched myself upstairs, turned the corner, and entered my bedroom.

"And throw on some makeup while you're up there!" Elsie called from downstairs, resulting in another groan from me. I was gonna spend tonight binge-watching The Office again, but apparently that would have to wait.

I changed into acid-washed pair of jeans and my mustard yellow cropped sweatshirt. I put a matching scrunchie around my high ponytail and decided on mascara and a light dusting of blush. I put on my dirty white converse and ran back downstairs.

" 'Bout time! I want to be fashionably late, not actually late!" Elsie said. After a quick outfit inspection, she deemed me good enough. We piled into my maroon Mini Cooper and put the address into the GPS.

"Who's house is this party asked anyway?" I asked, getting on the freeway.

"That's actually a surprise," she responded.

"So, you don't know."

"No, I know. I just don't want you to know," she said and smirked.

"Why can't I know?" I was starting to get the feeling I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Char, have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Yes, many times actually," I replied snarkily.

Soon enough we were at the address. Not what I was expecting. This house was a mansion. And there was only one person Elsie knew who was this rich. "You took me to a party at Max Preston's house? You've got to be kidding me,"

"I am not kidding you. This is how your going to get over him," I had had the biggest crush on Max for the longest time, and this year I gave up, because in all honesty, it was futile. There was no way he would go out with me. We were barely even friends! El was the one who actually knew him.

"Okay... fine. But for the record, I would like to state that I think this is a bad idea."

"Duly noted, now let's go!" She shouted, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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