Just For a Week

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The next morning felt like Hell. My stomach swirled and my mind pounded hard. I laid as still as I could, but really I didn't really care because all I know is there is still pizza in the fridge. Turns out Antonio went ahead and ordered me two pizzas and had Guss bring them over. I ate a whole pizza last night...and I still got one to go what's up.

I laid in bed and cuddled my purple pillow. The sheets were wrapped around me and I was lost in a headache thought. The way me and Antonio talked last night. It felt good in my chest, but I was so confused. This was just a client thing cause he's gonna have other women. But it felt so genuine and it irritated me. Why should I be feeling this way to him?

He was so sweet though. He went along with things and just had this vibe to him that drew me in. It scared me how it did, how I kinda felt for him, but knowing I really shouldn't. I'm just gonna get lost in some fantasy of a man loving me. And he's good looking it's so hard!

I rolled over and reached for my painkillers. I grabbed a water bottle and took some pills, rolling back over once I've done so. I was still exhausted from last night. I stayed up so late and it was worth it. I liked the way he made me feel even if it did scared me. I need to let go anyway and have fun. I need to let go from him. And right now, I wanted to sleep and forget everybody.


I at least slept for a couple of hours before Clary came into my room to ask if she could have some pizza. I realized it was some time in the afternoon and I decided to get up and join her. We ate the whole thing and chilled in the living room. We watched low budget movies on Netflix cause that's all they seemed to have. Some were pretty good, others were a waste of time. The whole time she didn't question anything about last night, and I was happy for it. I wasn't quite ready for that conversation.

We got bored quick, so we decided to go out for a little bit. I agreed and went to go change. I wasn't as hungover as earlier so I was hoping to have a bit more confidence in my style. I got a pair of baggy black joggers with chains that hung from them like a belt. I searched my closet and found a light green tube top with a little alien head in the middle. I paired this outfit with black combat boots, a black choker, and silver bracelets for my right arm. I had some shades somewhere with light green lenses for style.

I changed into the outfit and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I threw on some mocha lip gloss to bring out my plush lips. I threw my hair half up, half down to complete my look. I found my shades and I small black hand bag that could fit my phone and wallet. I entered the living room meeting Clary who wore light blue jeans, a maroon crop top with maroon combat boots, and a maroon flannel tied around her waist. She had her hair down in her curls with natural shadow and dark lipstick. We were both ready and we decided to go to the mall. Our mall had a lot of expensive places, and honestly we just wanted to spoil ourselves today.

When we got there we at least went to three stores. I got a couple of outfits and more shoes, while Clary got shoes and makeup. We weren't total opposites, we just needed things at different times. While walking I decided to buy me a Dr. pepper icy from a stand. Once I got it I joined Clary by an entrance to a store that barely had anyone near it. I sipped in my drink as she took a minute to look around and browse more stores while staying out of everyone's way. While she did I opened my phone to Instagram to scroll for a little bit.

However, out of my line of sight I thought I saw someone familiar. I looked up ahead of me and I swore I saw Antonio just rounded that corner. I looked over to Clary who has just now spotted a store she wanted to go to. She pulled me along as we head back the way we came, and I was left confused.

Of course Clary saw some skirts she could resist and I didn't blame her. I stood aside patiently, waiting for her to finish what she came for.

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