
247 2 12

("season 1")

Warden male - ???

Warden female - ???

Raider male - ???

Raider female - ???

Kensei male - ???

Kensei female - ???

Conqueror male - ???

Conqueror female (ikr, I bet you didn't know there was a fem version of conq in the game) - ???

Warlord - ???

Shugoki - ???

Peacekeeper - ???

Berserker male - ???

Berserker female - ???

Orochi male - ???

Orochi female - ???

Lawbringer - ???

Valkyrie - ???

Nobushi - ???

("Season 2")

Centurion - ???

Shinobi male - ???

Shinobi female - ???

("Season 3")

Gladiator male - ???

Gladiator female - ???

Highlander - ???

("Season 4")

Aramusha - ???

Shaman - ???

("Season 8")

Tiandai male - ???

Tiandai female - ???

Nuxia - ???

Shaolin - ???

JJ - ???

(Year 3)

Black prior male - ???

Black prior female - ???

Hitokiri male - ???

Hitokiri female - ???

Jormungandr male - ???

Jormungandr female - ???

Sun da male - ???

Sun da female - ???

You guys can help me by giving them names, they need to Latin names if they're knights and so on, ik about the warmongers, but since idk if it's genderlock, I won't put them here until they release on August 6

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