Concert Night

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so there's about an hour before the show.

I took a shower. I decided I would curl my long, thick, brunette hair tonight. even curled it came a little passed my ribs. I decided to do a think bit of black eyeliner.

I wore a black t-shirt under an unbuttoned black and red flannel with a pair of skinny jeans and my old vans. I also wore my turtle choker Josh had given me.

"You look beautiful Peanut," Stephanie said. I hadn't realized she was watching me get ready.

"Thanks big sis!" I smiled and gave her a hug before leaving.

the concert was good. I was about front row. I can't believe my tiny self managed to push my way up there but I was glad I did. a little more than halfway through the show they stopped playing.

"We'd like to have a special guest come on stage right now!" Kellin said. "Can we get Nicole Homer up on stage?" Kellin looked right down at me and stuck out his hand. "I know who you are! c'mon come up here with us."

I was skeptical at first but I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Happy 24th birthday Nicole! if you're wondering how we know who you are, your friend Josh is backstage with the crew right now! anything to say?"

"Th-thank you guys s-so much for making this the best birthday of my life!" I began to cry tears of joy.

"Awh don't cry Nicole!" Kellin kisses my cheek. "This songs for you Nicole. wait for us backstage." Kellin smiled and I walked backstage to find Josh.

Kellin began to sing If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember and I started to cry again.

♪And hey darling,
I hope you're good tonight.
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving.
Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it.
Tell me something sweet to get me by,
'Cause I can't come back home till they're singing...♪

"Happy birthday Nicole!" Kellin said one last time and the show continued.

I watched the show and Josh found me.

"Great birthday?" he asked as he stood next to me.

"Obviously! how'd you even get this together?"

"I've been friends with Gabe for years, thus why you got a tweet, and i just asked him if he could help me do a favor." he smiled.

"How'd you even know I like Sleeping with Sirens? and why'd you do it?" I was still astonished.

"I knew because that's all I ever hear blasting from your apartment." he laughed. "And you'll know why I did it one day. don't worry about it. but for now I have to go catch a flight. hang out with the guys after the show though!" he winked at me and left.


awh awh Josh's nice cx

listening to: We Stitch These Wounds by Black Veil Brides ♡

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