You Get Bullied Part 1

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Bullying can take many forms and can do so many things to many different people. If you see someone getting bullied, help them! If you are getting bullied, try to get some help!!

Warning: May be triggering, mentions of suicide and eating disorders.

Anyways, here is the chapter 4 u! 😊

Ash: Y/N'S POV

I was walking around the Halls of my High School with my best friend BFF/N (I think that's how to do it?) When Jason comes up to me and whispers " You haven't had your daily beating, you know where to meet me." I nod and he walks away. " I don't understand why you put up with him, Y/N. You could just tell your Dad?" I scoffed "No way. He would make a huge deal out of it. Plus, it's nothing I can't handle/cover up later." She nodded. We headed off to science.


I said goodbye to BFF/N and headed off to the back of the school where Jason was waiting for me. I got there, and then three other guys from the football team were there. Oh no. This was going to be bad. They knocked me to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach with their hard soccer boots. I knew I was going to end up in the Hospital. Then there was a voice. "Hey! Get the hell away from my Daughter!" Then everything went black.


Twitter. The worst website in the entire world, in my opinion. My entire school somehow found out about my account, and they have made hate accounts and they send threatening tweets and do whatever they can to make me feel bad. That is my life. To make matters worse, Dad is on tour. They do that all hours of the day, and then they go and send me texts, too. I don't know what to do. They were telling me that I was so fat, so I went from eating 3 meals a day plus a snack, to sometimes eating dinner and barely drinking water. I had become basically skin and bone. Then they said to make sure I ate nothing, because that was the only way to keep myself not fat.

I was in my room, doing homework, when my stepmother came in. "Your dad is going to be here in 10 minutes, so will your uncles. They want to see you," She mumbled. I nodded and she closed my door and left.


I was listening to Be Alright by Dean Lewis through my headphones on my bed, so I didn't notice when my dad came up behind me and threw the covers off. When he did, I took my headphones off and opened my eyes. Dad and my Uncles were standing there, looking at me in horror.

"Baby girl, what have you done to yourself?"


Worthless. Ugly. Dumb.

These are the names I am called on a regular basis. I never tell anyone because I thought I could handle it. Or at least live with it.

But I was completely wrong.

Because now, 7 months later, I'm in my bathroom with alcohol and a full bottle of sleeping pills, ready to go. I took a deep breath in. Then two sounds came out of my phone. It was Mum and Dad. They had both texted me.


Hey sweetie, just wanted to let you know that I love you so much, you are the light of my life. I'll see you tonight, and we can have a girl's night if you want to.

That was something Mum sent me daily, something like that. It used to be enough to make me forget about the bullies, but now it's just a little thing that I get.


Hi darling, I wanna make sure you're feeling okay. Your uncles and I are coming in an hour to check on you, sorry for not texting before. I love you!

And, so do your Uncles😊

Oh no. An hour!

I had to get this done quick. But before I did, I shoot through a text to my Dad.

Daddy, I love you so much. I'm sorry I have let you down, and made you feel like you had to come to me and stop doing your work. You won't have to do that anymore. Just tell everyone that I love them. I love you so much Daddy. Y/N xx

I sent that through, then started popping pills down my throat with the alcohol. Then, after I had done this three times, I started to see spots, and then the door burst open. "NO Y/N!"


My mother absolutely loathed me. I was the reason she was still with Dad. She was so pissed with me all the time and couldn't possibly tell me anything positive. She body shamed me, she verbally abused me, and then, she started hitting me. Today was no different. Dad and my uncles were at the studio, and Sierra (I don't like calling her Mum, she's never been one) had just finished her rant. "I'm going out, Brat. I hate you." She screamed as she locked the door. I cried and cried and cried. The only person who knew about this was the one person who hated my mother as much as me. Uncle Ashy. Dad never notices, it's like he doesn't care. Most of the time he is out with Uncle Cal. Ashton has been like a Dad to me for awhile now. Which is why he is the one I left my suicide message to.


I love you. You have been the best Uncle a girl could ask for, and I am eternally grateful. I want you to tell Daddy I love him. I'm sorry to whoever finds me like this, except Sierra. This is her fault.

Love you,

Y/N xx

I grabbed the knife and put it to my throat and sliced it. Then, someone came bursting through the door. "HUNNY NO!". That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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