Meeting your soulmate

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You're walking to school when you run into Jiro that's when your wrist starting glowing so you ran to the bathroom can you check your wrist and you see the earphones how to change to a earphones with sound waves and that's how you met your soulmate that's when you ran into bakugou of course he was angry but you Sensei powerful sound waves in his ear and boy did he have to go to the nurse after that Deku came up to you and that's what was that about you told him that he was being a stupid little pomeranian again Deku let out a sigh that's when principal nezu called you up to the office you were wondering what it was about that is when sir nighteye one up to you and told you to follow him and he did he tells you that he needs you to work on a case with Mario and Tamaki too hot down a villain named overhaul it took a while to defeat him but he was defeated in locked up in prison that's when you had headed back to class your boyfriend sent you a text saying he wants to break up you were in tears for a very very long time that's when you called your best friend since childhood tsu and told her what happened...........


Musical soulmates (jiro x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang