Chapter 12: E

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We stood in crowds and absorbed what was being said. Director Stone stood in front of us all. Her expression was cold and calculating as it was guarding her fear. Her voice echoed, and her strictness contradicted with the sun that made her dark beauty look friendly. I stood with my hands crossed over my brown leather jacket. My hair felt thick and knotted in my neck, and sleep deprivation had given me a migraine. The light burnt my eyes, but daylight shone so bright that I couldn't block it out.

All of us were tired and dirty. We hadn't had any proper sleep in a matter of days. All we got to eat were small amounts of cabbage soup. Bulk quantities were produced specially for us, and that meant that the quality wasn't that of perfection. The smell had become so unbearable that whenever I was given my soup, I instantly got nauseous. We weren't allowed to go home yet, but fortunately for me Dr. Fitchburg's killer hadn't been identified yet. A cloud of sweat and urine hung over us. It was a smell so strong that it made you die from the inside out. We all looked terrible, with the bags under our eyes growing in patterns and sizes – shading darker by each day.

"The murder investigation of Dr. Fitchburg is and will still be ongoing, but for now we have heard your complaints. Therefore, those who have been cleared from quarantine would be free to return to their homes until further notice." Director Stone announced and there was a relieved reaction from everyone. Some kids yelled out in gratitude whilst others clapped. I stood there, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't feel some of that relief. I wanted to go home and wash this stench from myself. I wanted to cleanse myself from Dr. Fitchburg's touch and the corruption from the past few days. I needed to clear my head in a neutral environment so that I could think.

Director Stone stuck up her hand to silence everyone. She studied us before opening her mouth again.

"My students, I call to you in this time. Please, if any one of you have any information with regards to the murder that has taken place you are encouraged to come forward." She suggested and there was silence in response. "Both the orderlies and I would be grateful for your assistance and you will get rewarded."

"Rewarded how?" one of the boys yelled out.

"Thank you for the question Joshua. The reward is simple yet valuable." She announced before continuing. "The reward is a scholarship to any entry-level work with the best of your field. This includes an internship as well as assured studying in the process."

The crowd whispered to each other. Excitement hung overhead, and confusion lingered within my heart. This meant that I could get a definite place within Division H. That also meant that I had to make a choice. Another thought occurred to me, and that was that Raider and I's secret was in danger. Even if I chose not to turn him in, the other kids wouldn't flinch. If anybody found out they would not hesitate at the opportunity to destroy Raider for their own success.

The assembly had finished, and the gates were opened. We were allowed to go, and I personally couldn't be on my way any faster. The camp was too intense these days. Gone were the simple days, and what replaced it was a rivalry of difficult choices and war. Azaria and I weren't on good terms; Dr. Fitchburg was murdered causing my life to unravel and I wanted to protect my brothers murdered – that was if it wasn't the exhaustion making that choice for me.

I lived in a shed behind an elderly couples' house. I've never known my parents, so my brother basically raised me on his own. He said that my parents couldn't handle parenthood, and couldn't look after us, so they handed us over to the orphanage, where he became my protector. Ever since then we had a bond stronger than anything. I didn't hate my parents because they gave me everything I needed. My brother was my world, and with him by my side I had no worries. I didn't need my mom or my dad because my brother was there. If I had the choice, I wouldn't want to meet them. I didn't want to meet the people who abandoned and betrayed their own children.

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