Chapter 6 - Am I A Soda?

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Eliza picked a blue jellybean from the packet and scrunched up her nose at the taste. “Ugh, toothpaste,” she stuck out her tongue.

 “Three butterbeers and one soda?” Madame Rosmerta asked, holding a tray of three large jugs of foamy golden drinks and a soda with ice and a little parasol.

 “Yes, please,” I piped, and she smiled and placed the drinks in front of us.

 "Enjoy!” she added as she hurried away.

 I reached for the soda and brought it close to me, sipping quietly. Saphia was reading a magazine nonchalantly and Eliza continued to pick through her enormous bag of Bertie Bott’s Beans.

 “Why did you get soda?” Saphia raised her eyebrows, peeking over the top of her magazine.

 I shrugged, still sipping absentmindedly on the striped paper straw. I liked the fizzy taste that came with the plain looking liquid. I felt it reflected my personality –plain and uninteresting on the outside, but with lots of potential and surprises inside. I wish I was a soda..

 As I drank the tiny explosions, Eliza took a long gulp of her butterbeer. “This is the life,” she said dramatically, leaning back in her chair while moving the jug in her hand so that the liquid swoshed around.

 Cassandra laughed and Saphia rolled her eyes.

 “So, how was your first week at Hogwarts, Cassie?” I asked, stiring my straw in an attempt to get the ice cubes to melt.

 “Well, it was a bit…crazy,” Cassie sighed, “It’s… a lot to take in,” she finished.

 “Bit over whelming, was it?” Saphia agreed coldly.

 I shot her what I hoped was a piercing look before returning to Cassandra, “Don’t worry, Cassie, I was one of the worst students in Year 1,” I reassured her. “My Defence against Dark Arts teacher hated me.”

 Cassie gave me a grateful look before taking another sip of her butterbeer, “I’m friends with James. He’s really nice.”

 “Yeah, he’s really popular. We went out for a bit,” Saphia laughed to herself. “When we were seven.”

 Cassie looked irritated, but she didn’t say anything.

 “How was your first week, Saphia?” Eliza seemed completely oblivious to the cold remarks that occurred only a few seconds ago.

 “It was great, thanks. Albus and I were gonna plan to do a reunion event thingy next weekend,” Saphia placed down her magazine. On the cover, was a beautiful blonde girl with crimson lipstick, twirling around while posing in a petite faded blue jean jacket and a pale pink skirt.

 “Not anymore?” Eliza enquired. Saphia hastily went back to her magazine ignoring the question. Eliza tossed another jellybean into her mouth and cringed. “Ew, vomite! Oh and guys, this is very random but-“

“You’re always random,” I pointed out, before whispering for Saphia to raise her hand for Madame Rosmerta to refill my drink.

 “But,” she emphasized the ‘but’, ignoring me, “Scorpius has been acting weird lately. He’s always trying to chat me up…it’s kinda annoying.”

 I gulped. I’ve always found Scorpius unnerving. I saw Cassie looked distraught while Saphia shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

 Saphia’s eyes lit up mischievously, “Are you sure he doesn’t have a crush on you?”

 “As if,” Eliza rolled her eyes while she used her finger to scoop the foam from the bottom of her butterbeer jug. She didn’t seem bothered by the personal question and I’ve always admired that about Eliza. If only I could find a way to stop lighting up like a Christmas tree every time Dan mentions my name.

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