Chapter 1: The Woods

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The pack stared in disbelief, color drained from their faces, hypnosized by the corpse of a werewolf.

Big chunks of skin on the corpses neck were missing and torn off. It reaked of a rotting smell as the body dripped cold, wet blood.

The forest enveloped them as it started to pour, water dripping down the leaves and onto their clothed bodies. The alpha, Izoku Kimo, immediately turned to the omega wolf of their pack, Katsuki Bakugou, and as did the others.

"You did this!!" Somebody yelled, pointing at Bakugou as they glared daggers at him.

"Bastard! Shut the hell up! I'd never do something like this." Bakugou said, not entertaining them.

"You did do this.." Izoku stated, the rest of the pack started agreeing.

Bakugou looked up at him infuriated, "How could you even say that to me!?" He yelled.

"We all know that you have been aching to be in a higher rank in our pack, you clearly did this to be a higher rank... you're a disgrace to us and our name."

Bakugou's eyes glowed a deep firey red, "How dare you!?"

The blonde werewolf leaped at his alpha, teeth baring and claws showing. But was caught off gaurd by the peircing glare of the alpha female, Tomatsu Kimo, giving her a chance to punch him in the jaw. He fell to the ground into slick mud and growled at her deeply while in complete pain.

"Do not touch him or even come close to him," she snarled, "You know you're not strong enough to defeat any of us, so don't even think about trying me either.." she said as she scoffed at him.

He spit out mud, "Fuck you," Bakugou weakly started getting up before being kicked in the gut by Tomatsu. The wind was completely knocked out of him, causing him shock and more immense pain than before. He held his gut and clenched his teeth, his wounds healed slowly.

"Stay down!" She barked, baring her teeth.

Bakugou knew he couldn't win this fight so he stayed on the ground.

Izoku then continued after thanking Tomatsu, "What you've done showed us that you are not fit to be a part of this pack. You are no longer a member of our pack."

"You can't do that! You don't have enough fucking evidence to prove that!" Bakugou glared at him.

The pack surounded Bakugou. Each of them clearly furious, believing every word, phrase, and sentence that their alpha had said.

Their alpha smirked, seeing the pack taking his side, "And what are you gonna do about it..? I'd really like to know," he had claimed sarcastically.

Bakugou lunged at him and swiped his claws towards Izoku, "SHUT UP BASTARD!!"

Izoku easily dodged the swipe from the blonde and used his speed to appear behind him, punching him in the back. The blonde fell back onto the muddy ground as the pack seemed to loom over the omega werewolf. His ears leaned back in defense and stood in silence, glaring at the alpha male and alpha female.

"Exactly... now leave," Izoku barked, taking a defensive step towards the blonde, "And never come back."

"If I ever see your face again, I'll kill you," Tomatsu stated crossing her arms.

"You'll regret this!" Bakugou got up and pushed passed Izuko, walking out into the woods.

Bakugou had his wolf ears leaned back as he continued trudging through the woods, grabbing branches off of trees and breaking them in half, as well as kicking rocks every which way. He knew he wasn't the one who killed her.

"They can't just assume that.." he ranted to himself, "Just because I'm the omega werewolf doesn't mean shit. Tch.. I don't even need those fuckers anyway. It's their loss for losing me anyways."

He might of said that he doesn't need them, but deep down, Bakugou knew damn well that without them, he may not even survive, let alone cope with having nobody around him. This is it, he was on his own, nowhere to go and no food or water nearby.

Soon enough, hours have passed by He was exhausted and he still hasn't found any food nor water.

He then stood silent, getting a glimpse of a live elk. He stalked it, slowly walking towards it, careful not to make a sound. He stepped on a branch and cursed under his breath.

Seeing the elk look around in fear the blonde didn't waste another second and ran up to it, jumping onto it, causing the elk to fall to the ground. He sinked his teath into it's neck and ripped the throat out. The elk began bleeding out on the cold and damp ground, not moving an inch. He used his nails and ripped open the stomach of it, ravenously devouring it.

Suddenly, four men surrounded Bakugou without him noticing, weapons and chains dangled on them as they each hid behind large trees, bushes, and other plants.

Before Bakugou knew it, one of the men shot a blow dart into his neck, a dart that was coated in poison causing drowsiness and fatigue. Bakugou fell to the ground, vision growing blurry. He could only hear shouting and dried leaves being crushed under the mens muddy boots. Shouts and yells filled his ears.


"Grab him!"

"Chain him up!"

"Get on top of him!"

The four men ran to Bakugou and chained him up, wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle, as they slip a mussel over his mouth. The cold metal sent a chill up his spine.

The faint whispers, mumbles, laughs, and cheers were the last things he heard before he blacked out, feeling the slight skin burns from the jagged rocks and tree roots.

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