Chapter 2: "A Werewolf..."

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The blonde werewolf woke up on the concrete ground, the last thing he remembered were the voices of four men. He looked up to find himself chained to the wall, the cold air surrounding him, cuts around his body stingging, but not as much as the tight chains around his wrists. He was sure that his hands are purple.

Bakugou was startled by the loud sound of a whip hitting the ground. The sound echoed throughout the chamber.

"Damn werewolves.." the man snarled.

"What the hell do you have against us!?" He yelled, questioning the man.

"You're in no place to yell at me," the man stated, whipping Bakugou's chest.

"A-Ah!" Bakugou yelled in pain.

The man continued, "Especially when you're the one taking all of our food! Making us and our fucking families starve to death!!" He bared his teeth as if her were an animal, "We are at a time of need! And you filthy animals choose to turn your head!"

"We're just like you!" He tried reasoning.

The man showed fury in his eyes, "You, are nothing like us," he stated with such confidence, that Bakugou almost believed him.
"You filthy dogs don't deserve to be on this earth."

Bakugou growled, but was stopped when the man continued whipping him, without rhythm. Some whips hurt more than the others, but they all were unbearable. The whip cleanly split his clothed skin whenever it had made contact with the blonde.

Dark, warm blood and sweat hugged his skin, dripping down from his dirt covered body. He yelped and screamed in pain. The blonde werewolf clenched his numb fists in attempt to distract himself from the excruciating pain... but he quickly gave in to it, panting, trying to catch his breath. But he just sobbed... tears streaming down his face, staining his cheeks along the way, dripping down onto his bloodied clothes. All he wanted was the never ending firey and stinging sensation covering his body to subside.

Deep down, even he knew that even if he were able to escape this, he'd die. He doesn't have his pack with him. There was no hope.. maybe he should just die and get it over with.

He gave in, "Just kill me Bastard!!" He yelled at the man.

"And ruin all the fun?" The man scoffed, "No... go to hell," he spat.

"Die!" He yelled again.

The man just chuckled and saw right through the blonde, "You can't do anything without your pack," he sneered.

Bakugou's ears layed back, knowing that what he said.. was all true. The man quelled the blonde werewolf, only seeing a greedy, lifeless animal, and nothing more. He looked down, defeated, crushed, broken.

When the blonde looked up for a moment, he saw a shadow outline of a cloaked middle aged male, but he disappeared like the speed of light, as if he were a vampire. He shook it of and lied there, against the cold concrete wall.

The man held the whip tightly and spit on the chained werewolf, "See you tomorrow scum." He walked out.

Bakugou was weak and bitter, but he was heartbroken. He panted heavily as his vision blurred, he fell unconscious, the blood continuing to drip.

Soon enough, the young man- or rather vampire, slowed down to a walk, once he came close to a beautifuly carved and crafted stone castle.

Two gaurds stood at the gate and stopped the vampire.

"I am Luther Forester, a spy for the Vampire King, Shoto Todoroki," he said as he removed the black, silk hooded cloak.

The guards moved the opposite direction, "Enter," one said with a booming voice, letting the vampire pass through as they opened the tall gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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