To the haters

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All you haters

Here is a message for you

You might think I'll say

"Look at BTS's achievements"

But this is not the case

I want you to look at yourself in the mirror

And think to yourself

If your ultimate idol/group saw

What you were doing

What would they think?

Would they be okay with what you are doing right now?

Or would they be disappointed in the fandom?

Idols do so much for their fans

All they want in life is to not disappoint

And represent their country

They want to make their friends and family proud

You know it too

How many years did your idol train to be where they are?

What sacrifices did they go through to be who they are now?

It took a lot for them to be where they are

And you are just going to ruin their reputation

For what?

You're going to bash their friends

For what?

What makes you think this is okay?

Wishing death upon others

How is that okay?

And to all my fellow multi stans

I apologize on behalf of many fandoms for being rude

I apologize for making you all uncomfortable

Every fandom is wonderful and kind

And the ones that don't love all their idols

And don't respect others

Are not part of the community

They are simply jobless people without a life

They have nothing better to do that to talk

No matter what "facts" they use

Every group deserves the same respect as others

These "wars" are pointless and useless

Stop this nonsense already

And support your idol

If you have nothing nice to say

Please shut the fuck up and don't say anything

I want to thank all those that welcomed people to their fandoms

And helped others support with their groups

I will never forget how many fandoms came together

To help Astro and arohas stay in the industry

It has been almost two years

And this wonderful group is still smiling with their fans

Please understand that all these wars don't do anything

They just disappoint your idol

Spread kindness and help others

And always voice your opinion out

Even if others might disagree

Always bring kindness into this cruel world

Thank you for everything you have all done

Thanks to all of you I am a proud multi stand

And a proud ARMY

Thank you.

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