No Sanctuary

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"He was one of them... I dont know how but, I think he was one of those dead monsters." Jon tolds his family, his son traumitized. Jon flipped the body over examining the dead thing, it was his neighbor, but it wasnt at the same time, his hair was all tangled, his skin was pale green and his eyes,  his eyes were milky and clear. "I dont want to see anymore of those things, we have to get to Boston now."

    Jon's wife stared at the dead body at the ground, his son had tears in his eyes. Jon didnt know what to say, they probably thought he had just slaughtered thier neighbor.  "It wasnt really Wesley, he was one of those creeps," He drags the body over to them to prove he was right. "See, look at his eyes! And his skin, he isnt human!" Kelley and her son dont say a word. "Listen if you dont want to kill anything for now on, we have to hit the road and go to Boston." 

    Kelley nods and brings Danny to the car and begins to load all of thier supplies, clothing and other neccesities. Jon gathered his stuff and got into the drivers seat. "Everyone ready?" Jon asked his family. No one responded. Now they were just being jerks. He showed them the body, it was clearly one of those creeps. He pulled out of the driveway and made his way to the city, it was a good thing that the goverment had a plan for this, or everyone would be screwed. As the drove they listened to music on the radio but soon enough the signal dropped, strange. 

    They got to the highway but as Jon supspected there was traffic, LOTS of it. So they waited, and waited  and waited. While they waited there was at least 15 helecopters went over thier heads, they all stayed at the border of the city, once they arrived thats when things got wierd. They launched missiles at the city. Each one of them launched 3. Jon and his family were forced to watch the city collapse. They could here the screams of burning civilians. Has the goverment gona mad?

     Then the choppers began flying towards the highways. They launched the missles at the highways, a missles hit just 2 miles ahead of them, the road began to collapse. Jon tried to drive out, but he couldnt, there were cars everywhere, then they fell to the ground, the car spirallig in mid-air. This was it, they werent even going to make it one day into this apocolypse.

The Walking Dead: A Tale of a Fellow SurvivorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora