The boy who cried "eat my shorts"

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In the car you were silent. You wanted to trust Bob, but you were still a little jumpy around him. He was being so sweet though, maybe you should relax a little. "So my dear, how is college going?" Sideshow Bob asked, breaking the painful silence between you two.  "It's ok.. I guess. Not at all what I expected.. "   You said nervous, Bob glanced at you. "Cheer up my dear, we're almost there. "

Once in the restaurant parking lot you could see why Bob was so excited to bring you to a dinner there. It was one of those fancy restaurants where they served sparkling water. (bare with me I'm tired.. ) Bob led you out of the car and up to the mane entrance. Once administered a waiter led you two to a table. You weren't all that hungry, so you ordered a salad. The waiter suggested a few of the restaurants top wines. Bob ordered some, but you weren't really in to alcohol.

"How's the dinner?" Bob asked, it was half way through the night. "It's ok.. " You said, fiddling with the food on your plate. "Is something alright dear? You've hardly touched your salad, is it the sparkling water, the salad dressing?" You winced, afraid to tell him. "No it's not the dinner.. There's just, something I'd like to say.. "

"Hey lady! I've got a lobster up my nose!" Some little boy had come up to your table, he had stuck lobster claws up his nostrils. You couldn't help but laugh as his mother yelled at him from a different table. "Bart!!!" She called, but you failed to notice Bob's grim expression until it was too late. The boy dropped his lobster claws as he saw Bob. "S.. Sideshow Bob!" He squeaked out, frightened. "Hello Bart.. " Bob grimmest, Bart ran back to his table and hide behind his mom.

You looked back at Bob. His cold stare towards Bart made you feel sick. "Bob? Why did you look at him like that, he's just a boy?" Bob adjusted his tie, "Oh that's just Bart.. He's the little brat thats foiled so many of my plans. I may have tried to kill him, once or twice." You rithed in disgust and horror. "Oh I'd like to cut him up into little pieces or, maybe I could just eat him whole and get it over with!" As Bob said, he picked up the rest of his stake and popped the whole piece in his mouth. Swallowing it like a snake. (it was literally like an entire half of a large stake!)

You got up from your chair. "I.. I have to go, I'm sorry but I just can't be around you. I.. " Bob took the stake knife and stabbed it into the table. "SIT down!!" He demanded, you gulped and sat back down. Bob took in a deep breath and put his hands together. "Now then, I'm ever so sorry that our evening has been ruined. Though before we leave I would like to discuss how things are going to go from now on. Ok!"

You nodded in fear, "Good, from now on you will be living with me. I'll pick you up from school and will take you to school in the morning, got it." His smile returned, but it was more demented and controlling. You just nodded in agreement, afraid of what he would do if you refused him.

After that crazy dinner was over. Bob led you back out to his car. "I apologize for how tonight turned out my dear. Hopefully our next night wont be interrupted. Now try to relax won't you." He took your chin and gave you a peck on the cheek. Once again he opened the car door for you, back to his polite self. You strapped in and tried your hardest not to burst into tears. What sort of monster had you hooked up with? And what sort of horrible things were going to happen next?

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