Chapter 8: First day back

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A/N: Hey,guys! Thanks for all the support. Let's get started then, shall we?

Lily's POV:

Oh god! What was I thinking? Why did I agree for this? And I even linked one of my arms with his. James is getting into me. This can't be good. But,I have to agree on the fact that James has got really hard shoulders and warm arm. Really I could rest in his arms all my life. Oh no! Lily get a grip. You for sure can't think stuffs like these. 

I don't know when I drifted off to sleep but I woke up when James was slowly shaking me. My eyes snapped open and I started to look around vigorously. 

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him while stretching and yawning.

"You looked so peaceful." He said shrugging and smiling.

I stared at him for a moment and our eyes locked when we suddenly looked away and I wondered how beautiful his hazel eyes were. We got off the carriage and started walking towards the oak front doors. I was so tired that I could barely walk. James was walking beside me and I was staggering and walking. 

"Give me your bag." James said.

"Oh no, it's fine, James." I said tripping again.

"Give it here." He said taking my bag from my shoulders which was hanging loose.

He held out his hand for me to take it. He was being really caring that I couldn't refuse him. I took his arm and started to walk through the front doors into the Great Hall. All our friends were already ahead of us and were sitting together. James and I went inside feeling shocked and surprised stares all around the room upon us.

"OI!" Sirius yelled. "Never saw two people walking in together?NOW, CLOSE YOUR MOUTHS AND DO WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING!" He said to all those who were staring.

 He still didn't let go of my hand. He placed my bag down beside Marlene and I sat there. And he joined the other side of the table beside Sirius. I smiled at Sirius and he gave me a anything-for-you-lily-flower look. I shook my head and started to talk.

We kept talking until, it was time for Dumbledore's speech. 

"Welcome,welcome our new students and the old ones to another year at Hogwarts. I just want to say two words only before we start our delicious feast. Tuck in."

And with that hundreds of plates full with delicious food appeared on each four tables. We started eating until I noticed James staring at me from beside Sirius. I looked at him and yet again our eyes were locked. Marlene and Sirius were having a food fight, when a bacon came flying into my soup and I got distracted from my reverie. 

"Sirius,stop doing this." Marlene said laughing.

"Alright, Marls." Sirius said grinning.

At the heat of the moment I doubt either noticed that they were talking on first name basis. I saw James laughing at Sirius's state. He was positively cute.I thought resting my chin on my hands. Wait! No way... Was I just checking him out? James suddenly looked at me and I hastily looked away. I could see him smiling from the corner of my eyes. What was he smiling about? Ugh! James is getting into me. I need to leave right now. But, I can't for the fact that, Prefect's need to show the first years their dorm.

After we finished eating, Dumbledore got to his feet again.

"I wish to tell all the first years and above that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds. And now, your four poster bed is waiting for you to take rest and get to your class the first thing next day. Good night to you all. Chop Chop."

Me and Remus hurried out of the hall towards the first years. We got our patrolling routine from the Head boy and Head girl. After all this exhaustion, we went back to the common room which was nearly empty without the Marauders and my friends. 

"Right, then guys. I am really tired. I am going to bed." I informed them and left.


James's POV:

After Lily went to bed we all went to our dorms and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. I stared at the ceiling thinking to myself. Lily was looking at me like I look at her. Can it possibly be what I think it is? No, it can't. I answered to myself. Thinking about her as I very often do, I fell asleep.

Lily's POV:

I woke up next morning at 6:00 am sharp, I got ready fast and tugged Marlene to get up. She groaned and got back into sleep. 

"Get up, Marls. You don't want to be late on first day, do you?" I asked while pulling socks up my feet.

"You go...." She replied groggily.

"Oh, look Marlene, it's Sirius." I teased her but, God, the reaction I got back was priceless. She started to look around vigorously. I stared at her surprised and then started laughing out loud which resulted my other 3 friends to wake up. Marlene kept chucking the pillow over my head. Marlene got ready in 10 minutes. She looked pretty in anything she wore. Half of the school died for her but as I say she is a female version of Sirius Black.

We headed down for breakfast in the Great Hall. I saw Remus and Peter eating and chatting . I joined them there. I sat beside Remus and loaded my plate with toasts and a goblet of pumpkin juice.

The hall started to fill up gradually, when James and Sirius both entered the Great Hall. People were staring at them from every direction in the hall. I was surprised to see James disciplined. And, by disciplined, I mean shirt tucked in, every button done, tie perfectly done. He came in front of me and bowed.

"So, Evans? Fully dressed now. Happy?" He asked smirking and taking a seat beside me.

"Yes." I replied happily ruffling his already messy hair.  

We ate and talked. When Professor McGonagall came and handed our timetables. We all took it, when I heard Professor saying,

"Potter, when are you doing Quidditch try-outs?"

"I don't know, Professor. I will let you know."

Of course he would have been Quidditch captain. I just noticed the captain batch shining on his chest.

We finished eating and started to match each other's timetables.


A/N: You guys will get to see not only Jily stuffs but also some other ships as well. I know you understood who I am talking about. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤!!

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