Chapter 7: The Performance

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Chapter 7: The Performance

The news that Elsa had broken up with Jack came as a surprise to some (Anna, Kristoff for example) and not a surprise to others (her aunt and uncle for instance). After that argument with Jack, she had gone straight back to her apartment and packed her bags. When she had arrived, hysterical and crying on the doorstep of her old house, it hadn't taken Anna or her aunt very long to figure out what had happened.

Jack had come round a couple of times in the following days, even leaving numerous messages – all of which Elsa had ignored. Anna had been sent to deal with him when he had arrived in person. Instead of using her energy on being angry or sad about Jack, she decided her energy was better spent on trying to resurrect her chances of joining The Vienna Philharmonic. Thankfully, she had never officially declined the offer. It turns out that it was still in the works of being accepted by the orchestra but never confirmed. That was one hasty phone call that Elsa had intense anxiety over.

That was how Elsa found herself boarding a plane to Vienna two weeks later. She couldn't help feeling increasingly excited as she boarded the plane with her first-class ticket clasped in her hand. Behind her, were her Aunt Greta, Uncle Klaus, Anna and Kristoff. Elsa had managed to get her own seat, while Anna and Kristoff sat opposite her, just chatting and giggling about something. Behind her, her aunt and uncle were in discussion about what the plan was when they finally landed. Elsa put on her headphones to check out the movies. The flight was around fourteen hours and she was going to need some entertainment. After picking several movies to watch, she snuggled into her seat and hit play.

However, Elsa kept getting distracted from the movie. Her thoughts kept drifting onto Jack. Ever since she had broken up with him, she had refused to let herself be consumed by him. Now, was a different story. She was stuck on a plane with nothing but her thoughts to occupy her. The movies and music she had could do only so much to distract her. The truth of the matter was no matter how much she tried to deny it, how much she tried to push it down, she still loved him – so much – but what he did...

She mentally shook herself. Get a grip, she told herself, you broke up with him for a reason. Although, deep down, she didn't know if she could honestly get over her feelings for him. Instead, she decided to ignore the obvious painful feeling in her heart and concentrate on the movie that was playing.

Two Weeks Later

"Elsa, are you okay?" came the voice of her sister.

"What?" Elsa looked startled as she focused on her sister.

Anna was giving her a concerned expression. When their eyes met, her expression softened.

"I have never known you to miss a note before. What's wrong?"

Elsa sighed as she lay down her violin on the table. They were in a large musical room in the house that the family was renting in Vienna while Elsa toured with the orchestra. The plan was that the whole family would stay in Vienna for two months for the rehearsals and the concert dates. Then Anna and Kristoff were going to go on a romantic tour of Europe while Elsa's aunt and uncle joined her as her orchestra toured Europe themselves. They were planning on meeting up in Norway for a big family gathering in six months.

Anna's eyes met her older sister's and then in seemed to click in her brain. Elsa hadn't exactly been very subtle about what she was feeling.

"This is about Jack isn't it?"

Elsa didn't see any reason to lie. She slowly nodded her head and then tears started to form in her eyes.

"Look, I know he was a selfish jerk," she said. "I do know that but I was with him for over two years! I loved the guy. I thought..." Elsa's voice got caught as all the emotions flooded through her, she wanted to marry this guy, she thought that they were going to be together forever. Guess that was out of the picture now. "I just thought things would work out, you know? Like why did I break up with him? I should have stayed! I should have worked things out. I just want...maybe I want to be back with him."

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