Episode 3

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No it didn’t drown” she replied in a calm manner. Which sounded odd, how she can be so calm? “We are in 2020” the woman added. “Kareem would you please come” requested the woman gently. 

“Okay, I’m coming Nadine” replied Kareem calmly.

 “OH, you woke up, I’m Kareem, we found this book next to you on the beach you were unconscious, but your case wasn’t severe, Nadine is a doctor she suggested to bring you to our office until you are ok, we read this book and from what we understood it describes a time machine” said Kareem. I didn’t know how to reply, my mind wasn’t processing what I’ve just heard.

“I’m from the future and trust me it’s awful” I said trying to convince them 

“Come on, be serious ” said Nadine in a disbelieving manner

“Trust me this machine brought me here” I replied 

 “If what you are saying is true then a miracle has just happened” said Kareem. 

 “it seems that you are going to stay with us for a while , we would like to know more about you” Nadine said handing me a hot chocolate cup , I gulped it at once as I was really thirsty “Well I’m from 2300 , the environment is destroyed , global warming has resulted to the extinction of innumerable species and the melting of the polar ice resulted in flooding numerous nations including Egypt, so I made a society to raise  people’s awareness about the climate change effects , trying to change their habits to fight the global warming” I said.

Both of them were amazed, there eye brows couldn’t go much higher from surprise and shock. “We kind of do the same thing we are married and we have started a society called (Save the planet) to exactly do what you were doing in your time” said Kareem in enthusiasm.

 “Luckily we have won a competition and we are going to meet the minster of environment within 6 months, to propose rules limiting and banning petrol within the next 10 years” said Nadine. “Terrific” I said as I was finishing my second cup.

“You are more than welcome to stay with us until I try making this time machine, but don’t get your hopes high there is a slight chance of success” said Kareem.  “That’s all I need and really thanks a lot to both of you” I said with mixed feeling of optimism and a little bit scared if this attempt failed.

6 months later

    A devastating hurricane hit Alexandria which resulted in severe and fatal damage .That was the first time a hurricane to hit Egypt, adding to this, polar ice was rapidly melting, that sea water started flooding streets nearby the sea, due to the global warming. The ministry office called us and cancelled the meeting due to these circumstances.

 “What!!! They are cancelling our meeting after working for months and months to get it and reach solutions to prevent catastrophes we are suffering right now” said Kareem furiously.

  I Blurted out “Lets protest in front the ministry building , that’s the only way we could fight this, in any other time people wouldn’t come and protest but now as their lives at the line I’m sure they will ”

“We will post on Facebook the time and place”Nadine responded firmly.

23 January 2021

We started the protest, few people showed up but this didn’t put us down. Our slogan was “Make a change or we die”. Day after day people gathered and media started talking about us. We set tents and we were not going to leave until our demands are met. People were scared and in agony as they lost their loved ones due to the hurricane.

 As the government neglected us, our anger and sorrow intensified, increasing our will to make a change.

In the 14th day we were millions in the streets. “Take action or we die” was chanted across Egypt and other countries affected by the sea-level rise .The Protest has transformed into an international revolution.

After a month in the streets protesting and fighting the police suppression, the government announced that a summit including all presidents of the countries affected by climate change will take place in Alexandria to set rules to fight the global warming.

Celebrations and fireworks started, people were singing, magnificent vibes were in the air. I had that feeling of accomplishment, my dreams that I’ve been working on for years finally came true.

A week later, the Alexandria agreement was announced.

Banning of fossil fuel energy by 2030, Deforestation acts will be faced with prison time and enormous fines, factories not abiding by environmental safety rules will be fined and closed , banning of single use plastic ,finally transforming fossil energy dependent industries gradually to be fully powered by renewable energy.

3 months later

“I’ve good news for you” Kareem said cheerfully “The machine is ready”.

I was over the moon as I heard these words.

He set the time and I was ready to go. “It was a pleasure knowing you” both Nadine and Kareem said with tearful eyes. “I was a lucky man to meet both of you”I replied. 

 3, 2, 1 go

  I woke up next to my car at the alley beside the ancient building. The sun was radiant but gentle, the sky was clear, it reminded me by my mother’s painting, a cool breeze of air freshened me up.

 Without thinking I headed home, I can’t wait to see my family again. I rang the bell.

 “Coming” said Nour.

She opened the door and didn’t believe her eyes “Mom, Dad Malek is back!!!!!”She screamed and hugged me tightly.

My parents dashed and joined us. “Where were you?” my mother asked not believing her eyes “That’s a long story”I replied with a smile.

“A lot of changes happened since you left Malek I can’t wait to tell you ,guess what tigers are not extinct , they even brought two of them  to the city’s zoo” Said Nour full of enthusiasm

“Then prepare yourself we are going to pay them a visit” I said as I saw Nour’s eyes sparkling from happiness and excitement….

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