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As he abruptly grabbed her hand, halting her in her tracks, fury boiled up inside of her. "Let me go," she demanded icily, wrenching her arm trying to break free of his vice-like grip.

"Never," he breathed, regret heavy in his voice. Her efforts to escape proved useless against his iron grasp. She stilled, waiting in tense silence for him to explain himself, feeling the sting of betrayal piercing her heart.

Taking a shaky breath, he started, "I'm so sorry." His voice cracked with emotion, head bowed down in shame.

"Sorry?" she cried in disbelief, finally pulling her hand back. "You think that makes up for everything?" She glared at him, eyes blazing with anger and anguish.

Seeing her rage directed at him, his heart fractured into pieces. "Please, let me explain," he pleaded desperately, gently grasping her trembling hands.

"I love you. Only you. I was a fool not to realize it sooner." Tears streamed freely down his face at the agonizing thought of losing her forever. "I can't imagine my life without you in it. Please, give me another chance. I swear I'll spend every day making it up to you."

Conflicted, she searched his tear-filled eyes, wanting to believe him. The anger was fading, replaced by her heartache of being the source of his torment.

"I don't know what to say," she whispered unsteadily, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Just don't leave me. I know I don't deserve it, but I'm begging you - give me a chance to regain your trust," he pleaded, hope flickering inside at her softening expression.

But then the dreaded question fell from her lips - "What about her?" - and his brief joy vanished.

Steeling himself, he vowed firmly, "I'll end it today. I should've done it sooner, but I was confused. Now I'm sure of my feelings."

She shook her head sadly, a twinge of bitterness in her voice. "You could easily break my heart too. I'm just another foolish girl who fell for your charms." A lone tear trailed down her cheek.

Ashamed and crestfallen at the truth in her words, he gently tilted her chin up to meet her eyes. "You're different. You're my future - the family we'll have, growing old together. I've never felt this way about anyone."

Smiling faintly through her tears, she yearned to believe him, to trust in the promise of tomorrow he described. But one doubt still lingered in her mind. "How will you break her heart?" she asked softly.

He hesitated, hating to inflict more pain. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I will, today. I owe her the truth."

Gazing into her eyes, he slowly drew her close until their lips met in a tender promise of a new beginning together. But just feet away, the other woman watched it all unfold, her world fracturing around her. Silently, bitter tears streamed down her face as their kiss ruthlessly shattered her heart into pieces.


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Stay tuned for the first chapter, and let's make some magic happen.

Cheers, rainZite. 

Date: 26th January' 2024

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