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Dear judges,
Judge with wisdom and honesty.

Dear judges,Judge with wisdom and honesty

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You must read at least 6 chapters  or more if you want to understand the story well enough.

An exception to this is for poetry and short stories. Read all of it!

Do not just peruse through the book, think about how it would feel if that were your book.

For Novels and short stories.

1. Cover and title; (10 points.)
Are the two correlating?

2. Curiosity (10points)
Is it arousing any suspense or curiosity? Does the reader enjoy it? --10points

3. Characterization (20points)
Are there any dialogues?

Is the back story handled well?

The purpose of the characters, is it displayed?

How likable are they? Do they evoke any emotions?

Are there any author's inserts and are they handled well?

Are the characters cliché?

4. Plot (40points)
How is the plotline? ( appealing? Not good enough? Excellent?)

Is the setting described appropriately?

Any POV shifts? Are they handled correctly?

Is there info dumping? ( deduct points if yes)

Any cliffhangers? Plot twists? Plot holes?

Judge accordingly.

Award points whenever necessary and deduct where it needs to be deducted in line with how good the context is or how bad it is.

Grammar (20 points)

Are the tenses used correctly?

Check whether verbs, spellings, paragraphs, chapters and grammar infraction is in order.

Terrible grammar-- 5points.

Medium ( not so much mistakes)-- 7-13 points.

Excellent ( little to no errors) -- 14-20 points.

Total= 100 points.

Judges will be assigned 6books each. Grammar will apply to the first 3 textual chapters only. Prologues are counted as chapters.

Top 5 books will proceed to the next phase. Judges will focus on plot  and character arc. They will read all the chapters and then pass on the top 3books to the head judge who will determine the winner, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up.


1. Poetic Devices

The speaker, the audience, tone etc (20 points)

2. Organization and diction
Use of words and structures (30 points)

3. Grammar

Spellings, tenses,figures if speech etc (30points)

4. Emotions and paragraph arrangement

Is it captivating? What kind of feelings are showcased? How are the paragraphs (20points)

Total= 100 points.

Total = 100 points.

1. Best English

(I) Title: Is it unique? Does it connect with the story? (10points)

(II) Cover: Does it talks volumes? (10points)

(III) Read 3-6 chapters and state if the language has been used to it's best. (70points)

Total= 100 points.

For other languages, follow the same rubric.

2. Emotional Category

(I) Read the first 3 chapters. What kind of emotions does it display? Rate between 20-60 points.

(II) Is the title and cover correlating? 20-40 points

3.Best lgbtq+

(I) Does the book promote the rights of lgbtq? 50 points.

(II) Does the book critique/promote lgbtq stereotypes? 50 points?

4. Best prologue

(I) How is the opening?
Not good-- below 40
Good-- 40&below
Wonderful-- 60-80

5.Best Ending( epilogue)

What feelings are portrayed and is it catch? 50 points.

How is the ending itself? (Abrupt, well planned?) 50points.

6. Best Cover

Does the author's excerpt and cover tell a sync story (similar) 50points.

Is it catchy? (20 points)

Is it unique? (30points)

Judge's form to be updated very soon

THE ORIGINALS GRANDEUR AWARDS 2020Where stories live. Discover now