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January 1, 2015
I went to the mall today with my mom just to shop and take back some Christmas presents my cousins gave me. I almost got $60 back and got a scarf and a Five Seconds of Summer calendar and two of my friends (in which I'll be spending the day with tomorrow) their Christmas presents.
For Christine I got an Earthbound $10 giftcard and I got Deshae a $5 giftcard to Starbucks and a Minion puzzle because she loves puzzles(:

January 2, 2015
Deshae and I went over to Christine's house and opened each other's gifts we got each other. I got lotion from Bath and Body Works and a $15 iTunes gift card. Later we played the Wii Mario Kart and ate chocolate pound cake with chocolate milk. Later, for dinner, we went to Coppola's, an Italian diner.

January 3, 2015
I only have .49 left of my iTunes! Money well spent! Ha. Anyways, I've really just laid around today and done nothing...it's a Saturday today and my aunt, my dad's sister, is wanting to come over later to cook us dinner. I'm studying for my Chemistry exam, yay! Hear the sarcasm? We go back to school on the 5th, Monday.

My aunt and her boyfriend will be here any minute. And to be honest I don't want them here because they'll be spending the night and I don't feel well. I've felt nauseous and had a headache all day, but oh well. Life goes on.

We had Bojangles for dinner! Soooo good<3

January 4, 2015
As I was eating breakfast, I was on my phone, typical, yeah? Well, my mom was in the shower and I was going to take one after her (we only have one bathroom). After I finish my breakfast and my mom is finished with her shower, I walk through the room my dad's in to put my plate away in the kitchen. He goes "Why haven't you been getting ready?! You now only have fifty minutes left to get ready! You better not make us late for Sunday school!" And at this point it was only 9:07am (Sunday school starts at 10am and it takes us only 3 minutes to get to church). I just stared at him and walked off, too pissed to say anything. I took my shower and got ready and guess who bloody wasn't ready and made us late to Sunday school? My dad! Not me! I find that ironic, but whatever.
My Aunt made lunch for us and we had Chow Mein, it was quite good. I enjoyed it. I also studied for my Chemistry exam I have to take tomorrow, ew! And I talked to gravityshea basically all day(: Y'all should go check out her Luke Hemmings story byw(;

January 5, 2015
(A/N:sorry for not updating everyday, I just got really busy with a lot of stuff-today is the 18, oh dear!)
Anyways, nothing really happened on the 5th besides going back to school and me being really nauseous and having to take medicine to help...again! But that's my life now, so. Enjoy it while you can(:

January 6, 2015
I had a good day that day. I didn't feel nauseous or anything, which is new for me! I actually had a no sick day! I had to go to my math teacher, Mrs. Caylen after school today because I had to take my math exam! Eugh, just shoot me! I hate Algebra so much! I wish it wasn't required to take four maths to graduate! Can I just listen to 5 Seconds of Summer all day? Thanks..

January 7, 2015
Again I didn't get sick at school, which is a blessing in and of itself! Two days without feeling nauseous is really good! I went to Mrs. Caylen after school again to just be tutored in Algebra 2 and to catch up on what everyone else was doing...ew!

January 8, 2015
Anther day, another slay...and Tyler Oakley would say, but I'm not him. Today was just horrid. I've spent every afternoon with Mrs. Caylen and I'm just going to say "WHO THE HELL INVENTED ALGEBRA 2?!" oh my fuck. Literally hate it so bloody much! Words can't express my hate for Algebra 2 at the moment. I just need to calm down and go listen to music! (like 5SoS;)

January 9, 2015
Today was a better day...! I did my Chemistry exam and I'm so glad that that chip is off my shoulder!! I couldn't be happier! I don't like my chemistry class either, but I just don't like science..give me English class alllll day, please!:D

January 10, 2015
Today I went to a Wake Forest basketball game with Christine and Deshae and it was sooo much fun! I love to watch basketball Live and to watch an ACC game Live, and it be Wake was so awesome! And I got to hang out with two of my friends! We had an awesome time and we got to talk a lot and laugh and cheer Wake on!(: Later, after the game, we got to walk by the players, whom were sat at a table, and wave at them. Only one noticed us and waved back, but hey, that's okay. After the game we went to Bojangles and ate a late lunch, then Christine's dad took Deshae and I back to our homes(:

January 11, 2015
So today was NOT good at all. I got super nauseous at church today and I couldn't be in they service because I was so sick. I was in the fellowship hall the entire time and had my head laid on a table cuddle up with my coat and a bottle of water. It was a horrible feeling, and I can't even begin to describe it! My jaw and ear also hurt super bad and made me not want to move and muscle..gosh I didn't feel well that day!

January 12, 2015
WOO! Finally I finished my Algebra exam! I had to stop for a few days and study some of the stuff I couldn't remember! I still failed it, but oh whale. We learn. I dot really have anything else to say about this day, I didn't feel nauseous, so that's a plus!

January 13, 2015
Today is my nephew, Ronan's birthday and he's turning 11! Love that boy so much!(: <3
I also came home after lunch because I felt sooo horrid. I can't even explain it. My ear and head was hurting so bad and I felt so nauseous. All I wanted to do was come home and crawl into bed without changing, and that's what I did. I went to my mom's classroom and told her how sick I was and she brought me home. That day was horrible! I don't want to feel that sick again! I literally crawled into my bed around 12:40ish pm and woke up around 2ish and went to the bathroom, came back to bed and didn't wake up until around 6:20ish and my head still hurt some!

January 14, 2015
Oh, such a glorious day of no school! Thank you slippery, icy roads! We didn't go to school this Wednesday because of the ice, yesh! And I stayed in my pjs allll day and did nothing allll day and just read and wrote and checked Instagram and Twitter and texted all day, because why not?

I also did a little bit of homework...

January 15, 2015
Nothing much to say except that I laughed a lot this day and was very happy, not a lot of bad thoughtz(:

January 16, 2015
I laughed a whole lot more this day also! And I also went with my school's Jr/Sr committee to go pick out a venue to have it at. We found a Speakeasy that's just absolutely perfect. We won't have to do much decorating because it already has/had sparkly/twinkly lights wrapped around BRICK pillars and everything is wooden and black and white in there and it's gorgeous<3 Literally can't wait to have our Jr/Sr there!

January 17, 2015
Can you believe it'll be Australia day this time next week?! Sweet, I know! Anyways! I did homework today which includes reading Ernest Hemingway and studying for two vocab quizzes! Ew! I still have to do math and it's long division polynomials...can I gag now? Eugh!

January 18, 2015
I'm caught up! Yay! I really haven't done anything today besides go to church and be in the nursery helping and read Ernest Hemingway(: So far today has been a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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