Look my people

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Thank you guys for reading this book I really do appreciate it because it helps me with deal with my spar time and distract me from my family hehe they can get quite quiet at some points but till my parent has their back healed up and ready to go I'll be with them for a bit so there's only one going to work the entire day and one stays home because usually both go to work together because they literally go to the same job but different positions like your already together how much closer can you get🤣

And oh god it also helped me when I got stitches on my finger and it did hurt like hell and I'm still healing from that and they said that I might lose my finger nail too
So that sucks  But I've gotten used to it but I won't be able to help clean for a bit but I still do thing around here and there I'm not that crippled hehe
Thank you for reading this I'll try even better for you guys even tho I'm a beginner at this stuff I'll still try
And I'd like to apologize for not posting early enough I was busy with some family business and actual business

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