Chapter 2

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~~~Chapter 2~~~

Once we had exited the bar, we stopped.
"So who's house do you want to go to" I asked.
"Wait we're going home together?" Harry answered.
This made me openly awkward and embarrassed. I blushed like a lobster.
"Haha, you should see your face, priceless! I was joking but umm... I don't really mind." I was unimpressed by this but could see funniness in it and thought I was quite cute.
"Umm we could go to mine but it's kinda small" I wondered wether I should of invited him back to mine as it wasn't something I was proud of and regretted suggesting.
I begged in my mind he didn't say 'sure' but "Umm, well where would you be most comfortable as it's your first time so I want to be as pleasures as possible." His kindness should of been expected but it shocked me as I had never known someone so nice. I wondered wether it was because he wanted to have sex or wether he actually cared.
I decided to be open "My place isn't something I'm really proud of so I kinda want to go to yours, besides I've been dying to see it as you described it as wonderous place."
"Sure but I wouldn't get your hopes up, it's not that great" He answered.

Now that we decided, we hopped on a bus and continued to talk. Eventually the city roads became less and less populated until we were on twisty country roads which I hadn't seen for years now so they were kinda frightening. I swear we nearly crashed 3 times from drivers going round blind bends over the speed limit. After multiple terrifying moments and stops, we finally reached ours. We got up carrying everything we owned and hopped off. Harry had a massive grin on his face which disappointed me as it made me feel as though he just wanted the sex. As we walked to the house, my thoughts became more in-depth about it and Harry realised something was up.
"Hey, you alright?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't they be" he shrugged.
"You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable, I don't mind" This reassured me that he did care.
"No no. I want to, I want to know" I used this as the cover because I didn't really care about learning wether I'm gay or not. All I knew was that I wanted to be with Harry. The whole night, the thought of him actually having sex with me was making my heart race and now that we were a couple of minutes away from it, my heart beat so fast if felt like a motor in my chest.

We finally reached a lonely farm house in the middle of nowhere. Weirdly the house reminded me of Harry himself, it's characteristic fitted Harry: lonely and old fashioned but beautiful and well built. (Lol)  I must say though, once seeing it I couldn't believe Harry said I wouldn't be impressed by the house, it was amazing.

We reached the door and he unlocked it. A well groomed sheep dog came barrelling towards us. I jump half a mile as it came up to me and jumped up but when I looked it was just leaning on me. It's was panting and looked so cute, I wasn't afraid of dogs and after seeing this I knew I was in love of it just like all others. It's tail wagged and it's eyes shone brightly as though this was the first stranger he'd met in ages which wouldn't surprise me.
"Charlotte, get off the nice man now" The dog followed Harry command but groaned in disappointment.
"Oh, I don't mind, she's cute." He pointed you my top which had two massive muddy paw prints on it.
"Don't worry, you can wash it in my washing machine, he can go out to the field whenever he wants: doggydoor."

We continued on into the house and the interior complimented its outside well aside from the muddy paw prints on the wooden planks. Harry put his keys on the kitchen counter. Hung up his coat and mine and we took our shoes off.
"Do you want to have a coffee first?" He asked as I took in my surroundings.
"Umm, sure" I answered. He made two coffees which out did the office coffee by miles. I complimented them and he laughed, he said there home grown. I was flabbergasted as I didn't know you could grow coffee beans in Britain but he explained he had a special type of greenhouse which made it possible.

We chatted again for a while and we both knew what would happen next but waited for either to make the first move. Eventually, I became inpatient.
"So are we gonna do this or not"
"I was just about ask the same thing"
We both stand up and walk to the bedroom, well I followed him as I didn't know where anything was.

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