Chapter 3

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OMFG y'all are so NICE to me and I love u all SO much.
Thx for all the positive reviews and comments! To be honest I thought that I was a really crappy writer. So thx again!!!! I love u all!!!

If I owned anything do u really think that I would be eating chips in bed instead of complaining abt the food at a five star restaurant?


(Ps I'm having the HARDEST time doing Lou's part so yeah

pss this has a lot swearing and cussing in it soooo yeah you've been warned)

Louis POV

Holy Motherfuckin Shit. I lost her.

That thought kept running through my head like it was on a damn treadmill. It just wouldn't stop.

I've been calling her constantly for the past day locked in my room. The boys have tried to get me out but they don't understand.

They can't understand.

They don't have to live with the feeling that they hurt the most important thing in their life.

They don't have to relive that feeling of dread every time the calls go unanswered to her voicemail.

They don't have to wonder if in that moment she was crying or yelling or dying inside like I was.

But most of all they don't have the memories that I do. They don't see what i have. They don't know what I know.
They don't have the happy memories or the sad memories or the silly or crazy ones.

They don't understand.


I could see her now from my place behind her. Her family and friends plus my family were all there sneaking glances at me except Lottie who would become El's next victim.

"BOO" Eleanor whispered in Lottie's ears making her scream and turn around.

This was perfect.

I crept up to a laughing and distracted Eleanor whose back was turned to me. Slowly as ever I copied her actions toward Lottie and scared her.

She screamed and turned around breathless. Her eyes widened when she saw me and then a huge smile broke out in her face and tears filled her eyes. She launched herself at me holding me like a life line.

It was the first time we'd seen each other face to face in six months. I could feel her shaking in my arms as she cried. My grip around her waste was even stronger than the one she had around my neck. I could feel my own eyes stinging and watering at the feeling of holding her in my arms for what seemed like forever.

And for the first time in six months I felt truly happy.

//flashback over//

I remember when the story first got out mum called me to ask if it was true. But with the pictures she already knew the answer to her question and was already crying by the time I picked up the phone.

She saw El as her oldest daughter and couldn't believe that her boy would do something to hurt someone that bad.

She ignored me after we hung up. Although I only tried to call her once. But today I got a text from her:

El picked up her stuff from home and said goodbye to your siblings.

Short but effective. That was when you knew you were in trouble with her. She usually wanted to talk to you for hours even if it was a bad time.


"ELEANOR" I screamed. I could hear her sweet laugh all the way from the third floor. The sound alone brought a smile to my face.

I raced up the stairs catching a glance of long hair wiping around the corner of our bedroom.

"You'll never catch me" she laughed running to the side of our bed.

The fire light was the only source of brightness in our room as it was midnight and I had just gotten home from tour about a half hour ago. The firelight was reflecting onto her skin giving her a tan in her tank top and shorts. We've been running around the house since I found out that she ate all of my twix bars. I honestly don't care but I love to here her light laugh echo throughout the house. It's one of my favorite sounds, especially since I'm the one causing it. I had her cornered now and she couldn't get away.

"Oh really now" I taunted her knowing that she couldn't escape. She tried to run past me but I grabbed her waist as she ran by pulling her on top of myself falling on the bed.

I could feel her shaking from
laughing so hard. As we both calmed down and caught our breaths I stared into her eyes and remembered all of the late night talks, skypes and FaceTimes with the boys butting in on my end or my sisters climbing on El to talk to me, presents sent for missed anniversaries, and just staying awake at night thinking and dreaming of her.

I could tell that we were thinking the same thing because her eyes started to water. I pulled her neck towards me and connected our lips together.

"I love you" i whispered as we took a breath. I kissed her once more.

"I love you more" she whispered as our lips parted and connected again.

"Not possible" i whispered against her lips. I rolled us over and switched our places so she was beneath me. I made sure not to crush her with my weight. This kiss poured all our feelings of happiness, relief, sadness, grief, and over all love into it.
Everything was finally perfect.

Bring bring
Bring bring

El laughed a little as I groaned. Cursing the damn phone for ruining the damned moment. She reached over me to the side table where her phone say ringing. She laughed a little when she saw who it was.

"Hi Jay" she said into the phone smirking at me.

"Uggghhh" i groaned at the thought of my mom disturbing our kissing.

"Uh huh. yes Jay he's back. I promise. Of course. No, I don't think so. I'm sure he will. Yes I'll make sure that he does." I could see her roll her eyes at what ever mum was telling her. I trailed my fingers up and down her legs lightly making her shiver.

My mum hung up fifteen minuted later. And that night turned into one of my favorite memories of us.


God if only I could go back to when the memories weren't the only thing I had left.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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