Chapter 1 "Return From the Void"

436 17 15

2 Weeks After the Lab Incident



For these past two weeks I've been fascinated by my new location. At first I thought I was dead, but as I had discovered more about this dimension, Id discovered that I'm not dead... but I'm also not alive either. I don't really know what I am right now. But I do know that I have access to these screens that show my home world. I can control these screens to spectate certain things about the world, such as my team. It was saddening to watch them after my supposed death. Summer had tried to stay her energetic self but there was a noticeable difference. Tai had tried his best to lift spirits but I could tell he was hurting just as well as the rest of them. Qrow had been drinking more than before, and that was a lot even before my "death". But now its just blackout drunk every night. Although Summer had been taking care of him a lot seeing as his normal care takers were me and Raven. Which brings me to Ravens situation. She was trying to stay strong for the others but inside she was crying. She had visited my grave everyday since the funeral and it pained me every time she does. I just want to go and hold her but I know that wont be possible.

They all blamed Ozpin for my death, which he didn't deny. I could tell Ozpin was saddened yet he kept at trying to end the war with Salem. Now more than ever. Although it was more difficult now due to the only people staying in his group are Qrow and Summer. Tai left for other reasons but Raven argues with Ozpin and blamed him for my death before leaving. I wish I could help them all and stop all this but of course I had to be stuck in this Void.

Timeskip of 10 years brought to you by Chibi Ruby riding on top of a Gaster Blaster

I have become more accustomed to this new reality that I live in. I can control the Void around me as a weapon. Not like I'll be able to use it though as I'm all alone here. I continue to watch the screens in front of me. My team has gotten over my death which makes me happy that they are not destroying themselves anymore. The sight before me pained me but I had to accept it and move on. Through the screen I see Raven sitting in a hospital bed holding her and Tais new daughter Yang. I had always secretly wished that it was me there with her to start a family but I'm glad that she at least got to start one. As I was watching the heartwarming scene suddenly I hear a loud voice ring out through the Void.

??? "Y/N Gaster."

Y/N "What? Who's there?"

??? "I am nothing yet I am also everything. The place between life and death. I am the Void."

Y/N "You can talk?"

Void "It is less of talking and more of I am telecommunicating with you."

Y/N "Alright, so why reveal yourself now? I've been here for years."

Void "There is much you have yet to learn Y/N. But for now I can give you something your soul yearns for."

Y/N "You mean I will be able to return home?"

Void "No. I do not have control over such things but I can give you something else. Children."

Y/N "But how? And if you do how will I raise them. No offence but this is no place to raise a child."

The void seems to become silent for a bit but comes back after a bit.

Void "I have discovered a way around that although it somewhat negates your want."

Y/N "What do you mean?"

Void "I will send the children to your old world and give them to your friend Qrow Branwen to raise them."

Y/N "Then how are they my children?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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