The Awakening

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Salvatore Boarding House - Mystic Falls

[Katherine enters the house]

Katherine: I'm here to see my daughter.

[She sits next to Nadia]

Katherine: Nadia...

[She holds her hand]

Nadia: You came back for me.

Katherine: I won't leave you again.

Nadia: Did you find a way to save me?

Katherine: Your stepfather's blood would have saved you...If I had asked for it.

Nadia: You would have outed yourself.

Katherine: But you would have been alive. And now it's too late.

Nadia: [begins to hallucinate again] My mother's name is Katherine. I'm looking for her.

Katherine: You found me. Nadia, I'm right here.

Nadia: She's a liar and a murderer. She manipulates, she betrays...She'll do anything to survive.

Katherine: Nadia, no. I'm right here. Nadia, look at me. Look at me. I'm here, I'm right here.

Nadia: I'm looking for my mother.

Katherine: This is not what your life should have been. 500 years searching for a mother who ended up being me.

[Katherine touches her daughter's face and sighs]

Katherine: Let me show you what your life should have been. What a perfect day would look like.

[She gives Nadia a happy dream in which Katherine puts young Nadia to sleep]

Katherine: You and I had a little cottage. It was an ordinary summer day. You were playing outside you were tired and it was time for bed. You told me about the fort that you'd built out in the woods by the river. So I asked if I could visit, and you said when the sun came out in the morning. And I said, goodnight Nadia.

[In the vision, Katherine kisses young Nadia's forehead before she falls asleep]

Katherine: Sleep well.

[In reality, Katherine is crying as Nadia dies in front of her]

Katherine: Your mother loves you.

[Nadia's ghost appears in the living room, and starts to cry when she hears Katherine say that. Then, she smiles, holds out her hand, and touches Bonnie to cross over to the Other Side.

Bonnie: [in pain] Ahhhh!

[Katherine closes her daughter's eyes and covers her dead body]

Katherine: So. This is it.

[Katherine tries to escape through the door with her vamp speed, but Damon appears in the doorway and blocks her]

Damon: [smiles] Hello, Katherine. You didn't think I'd miss this, did you?

[Damon walks in, forcing Katherine to go into the foyer]

Katherine: Okay. So...who's got the knife? Which one of you is gonna get to kill the elusive Katherine Pierce once and for all? [she waits for someone to speak, but everyone is silent] What? Suddenly everyone's speechless? When I was on my deathbed you all had plenty to say. [approaches Tyler] Is it you, Tyler? Because I triggered the werewolf curse? Gave you an identity and made you matter?

Tyler: You've done nothing for me.

Katherine: Oh please, Tyler. If I hadn't walked into your life you just be a wasted nobody with a boozy mom and a temper problem.

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