Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Shadefall glanced over at Ambersap, who was looking at the sky anxiously. Beside them, Minnowstar paced back and forth. “If you two mess this up tonight, you know the consequences. I will rule one omnipotent Clan, and they will obey me. In return, both of you will thrive. I will spare the warriors who choose to join me, but the ones that don’t… You know the result.”

“Minnowstar,” Ambersap began. “As much as I want to help you, you know there’s a rule that says the Clans can join together in their time of need, right? You don’t have to get rid of it to join the Clans together, and we don’t have to kill anyone.”

Shadefall urged the red she-cat to be quiet, but Minnowstar was already facing her, his eyes glowing with anger. “There are many restrictions. I say that kits should be able to fight when they want, apprentices can hunt for themselves, we can use any other Clan’s territory, and we can kill if we want to.”

“That makes us no better than rogues. Shadefall said tough times were upon us, but destroying the principles we live by isn’t going to help us.”

“You are one of many who will doubt my plans, but this is the word of StarClan. I am doing what is right. But you are also one of many who will die tonight.” Minnowstar unsheathed his claws. Shadefall stepped in front of Ambersap and hissed, “Don’t get too hasty. Ambersap is one of your supporters, she’s only asking questions.”

Minnowstar laughed. “So be it.” He turned toward his warriors, impatiently waiting to leave for the Gathering. Shadefall muttered to Ambersap, “Stop asking questions, mouse-brain!”

“I’m sorry. Did StarClan really want this, though?”

“You’re going to get yourself killed,” he growled to the older warrior. She let out a growl but made no move to say anything in return. Shadefall turned his head back to Minnowstar, who was addressing his Clanmates.

“We will head to the Gathering now, but try to make friends, alright? We don’t want to seem hostile until I put the plan into action.” To Shadefall’s surprise, Minnowstar’s Clan was actually excited to kill. They were acting like the most vicious cats in ShadowClan.

Minnowstar led the way from his camp, easily leaping across the stones of a river. Shadefall crossed behind Ambersap, earning laughs from RiverClan when he nearly fell off of the slippery rocks. When he finally reached the other side, he watched Foxtail, a broad ginger tom, cross in two leaps. “You’re no good for my daughter,” Foxtail hissed. Shadefall sighed.

Minnowstar and Foxtail had forced Splashpelt to stay behind, knowing that his fuel for helping gather warriors for the cause was the pretty she-cat. He knew better than to listen to Foxtail, for he was about to reach a milestone in saving the Clans. Flameheat told me so, he thought confidently, and strode after Minnowstar.

He watched his paws in the dark as they padded along the edge of the lake. Minnowstar mewed, “Don’t let your Clanmates see you until they have to, alright?”

“Got it,” Shadefall meowed. He saw Ambersap shaking and laid his tail on her shoulder. I’ll try to regain my nice character, for now, but I know she’s not loyal to the plan. Minnowstar will be watching her, I’m sure.

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