Catholics A-Z

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This is dedicated to lilahAAluv, she did this for Islam and I'm doing it for the Catholics. So here it is!!!

A- Apostles

The apostles were Jesus's best friends. There were twelve, then eleven, then twelve again. One disciple, Judas, betrayed Jesus. Then, realizing his mistake, he hung himself. After Jesus's ascension, the apostles started spreading the word. But they wanted to follow the old ways and have twelve apostles, and so they held a contest!

The Acts of the Apostles says very little about this contest until the end, when it was only a guy named Stephen and a guy named Mathias. And so they prayed to God to help them make the correct decision and cast lots. The newest apostle was Mathias!

It wasn't easy spreading Christ's word. At the time it was around the year 40 and Christianity wasn't made the official religion of Rome until the year 313. It was a dangerous job! The apostles were beaten, jailed, and kicked out of town. In fact, only ONE out of all twelve apostles died a natural death!

Then there was Saul. Saul was a baddie to all Christians. He was responsible for most of what the apostles endured. However, he soon became one of their most dedicated followers.

On the way to Damascus, it is said that Saul had a vision that he was speaking to Jesus. Jesus said " Saul Saul why do you persecute me?" Then a bright light knocked Saul off his horse and blinded him. He was blind for three days and ate or drank nothing during this time. After these days, he changed his name to Paul and helped spread the word of Jesus Christ to all.

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