SanityTale Information

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An Au where everyone has sanity. But when Frisk fell into the underground, some of the monster's sanity dropped, which made their light colored clothes start to turn black. Everyone's clothes show how sane they are.


Character Information


SanityTale Frisk

Clothes: Light purple sweater with two dark purple stripes. Black leggings. And some black boots.

Hair: Similar to Undertale Frisk's hair but is crimson red instead of brown.

Eyes: Baby Blue.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Weapon: Knife

Some Facts About SanityTale Frisk...

*His clothes doesn't show his sanity, his eyes do. His eyes are tinted red when his sanity is low.

*His soul is Determination but his Determination isn't red like normal Determination souls. His Determination is black. This is due to Frisk having corrupted Determination.

*Frisk is in control of his actions. There is no player or anyone else controlling his body.

*Sadistic Teenager

*Never done a True Pacifist Ending. Did Pacifist ending 3 times, Neutral Ending 69 times, and Genocide 100 times

SanityTale Flowey

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Weapon: ???

Facts about SanityTale Flowey...

*He has no emotions. He is emotionless and nothing can fix that except a true pacifist ending which never happened.

*His petals are grey. Since he is emotionless, he can't be called a sane or insane monster. So his petals are grey, a sign he is emotionless.

*Doesn't attack Frisk. Just stares at Frisk and introduces himself with a monotone voice.

*Doesn't talk much at all.

SanityTale Asgore

Gender: Male

Age: 240 (Adult)

Sanity: 100%

Clothes: Light Pink Shirt. Light Blue Jeans. No shoes

Weapon: Fire Magic

Facts about SanityTale Asgore...

*He's very similar to Underswap Asgore.

*Him and Toriel never had a child.

*Never understood why Flowey was emotionless.

*Chats with Sans(Sanity) through the door that separates the Ruins and Snowdin.

SanityTale Papyrus

Gender: Male

Brother: Sans(Sanity)

Father: Gaster

Clothes: Pastel Red Hoodie. Pure White Tights. Pure White Boots. Pastel Red gloves with gold hearts in the middle.

Age: 26

Sanity: 100%

Weapon: Bone Attacks

Magic: Orange

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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