1. Bail granted

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"Court adjourned for today" Bam! hit the gavel. I stacked up all my papers and stood up with satisfaction and left the courtroom and walked towards my chamber. 

The smell of the books hit me, and it felt like ...HOME!. I picked up all my stuff, took my purse and walked towards the exit with a fixed expression and my head held high. 

I walked home to be greeted with a parcel. I smiled knowing what it was. I have been waiting for it since forever. I quickly unlocked the door and carefully placed all my documents on the kitchen counter and my purse on the chair. With all my excitement I opened the packet in the most disordered manner, the feel of the cloth against my skin. I turned towards my mirror and put this beautiful dress against my body imagining how beautiful it would look on me.  

After an hour of trying it on and feeling pretty, I hung it and put in my "Special Occasion" shelf. I quickly changed to a pair of jeans and a crop top, set my hair and smiled at my reflection. Most would prefer makeup, but I don't for two reasons. One, I don't know how to put it on and secondly, I have a clear and glowing  skin thanks to my mom's homemade products. 

I lock the house and walk towards my mom's house. I let myself in and let her know am home with my voice in full volume "mummaaa ! Am home !!". I see her walking down the stairs with a smile on her face. I give her a questioning look and she tells me that she spoke to dad and that he is coming back home at the end of this month. My dad stays in London with my brother who is currently doing his PhD in Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies.  My dad went along with him to help him adjust to the place. 

"Do you think he deserved 20% ?", asked my mom. I nodded my head sideways indicating a no and told, " this is the only way she could finally get rid of him and am glad she did". I then gulped all the water and smiled at the thought of helping another woman, or should I say a girl because she was only 23, divorced but free. My mom seemed to disagree with me. "I think he deserves more than that, after all he was loyal to her, was a good husband, the only thing he wanted was a life of his own and left her when she didn't seem to care anymore. I pouted at her and asked, "So... you think I am a bad judge huh.." She smiled and handed over the plates to me and we started speaking about random topics that have no significance.  

I see my phone vibrating but don't take my time to look at who is texting me. "Bye mummaa!" I wave bye to her while plugging in my ear phones. I start walking back home, it's a little dark but not too late. "Tata tata tata tata ta ta tataa" disrupts my music and I pull out my phone from my pocket to see who it is. It's…….Tarun.

I quickly accept his video call, and see him with a huge ass smug on his face. His face has a lil something white that looks like cream. He is showing me ….a dish, with great plating.I tell him it looks great but I don’t see a point in why he all of a sudden is showing it to me. He can see the perplexed look on my face and asks me to guess. He stares at my quizzical expression and I see his deadpan expression, and I ask him...He screams about how he was made the 'sous-chef !' 

I see both his eyes lit up and his wide smile with the cutest possible dimple on the right cheek. “Have the energy to meet in 10 to celebrate my lil promotion ?”, he asks. “ oh yess ! I’ll see you at Blake’s” 

 As I reach home, I feel...Lonely. I freshen up and hear a knock at my door. I see Tarun, and smile. 

“Why are you here?”, I ask him. 

“We didn’t get to talk, and you don’t usually come to my restaurant ..wanted to know why”, answered Tarun.

I tell him about this case and how I was asked to keep it low key since this divorce includes the reputation of a Big family.

After an hour or so, both of us run out of words and then he cooks dinner for me. “Don’t you ever get bored of cooking Tarun?”

“It’s filled with passion, Judge Saheba, it's not hard work for me if I like doing it.

Now see you, I gotta go to court early unlike your restaurant that opens at 11. He pouts, but understands and leaves anyway. 

I lock the house, and feel lonely once again, It felt like HOME...while Tarun was here. I think back to all the fun we had, and how easy it is to me with him. 

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