Chapter 1

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James's Pov
"Come on Jerry" I mutter to myself as I rapidly preform CPR, the red off brand T-shirt masking what's underneath. "Come back to me Jerry" I sarcastically shout, my hart rate spikes as I hear the whistle, "noooo Jerry" I dramatically shout earning a couple chuckles. I stand up from the CPR dummy "maybe next time Jerry." I look around at the camp, a big flat grassy field with some tents lining some trees off to one side. boring.

"James" Jacob, my best friend runs over. "Fuck the stupid Dummies its not like well ever use this anyways."

"Ya who do I look like James bond?"

"James" the instructor calls.

"Ughhhhhhh" I moan as I slowly walk towards him, "here we go again" i mutter to Jacob as i face our instructor "what do you want now, Kevin." I make sure to emphasis the last part.

"CPR is an important skill to have-" he starts

"To have in your brains tool belt, i know." 

"Well then put some more effort into it next time alright"

"Alright whatever" i moan as I walk back with Jacob "we have to wake up at six in the morning, eat breakfast, and then sit through six hours of this shit for another 2 weeks, im gonna die."

"your telling me" Jacob retorts "if only our parents loved us enough to not send us to this hell hole. We've been here for 2 weeks already and were only halfway done." As we walk towards our tent we see a large overweight kid standing outside our tent eating a candy bar.  "m-maybe we should come back later-" Jacob starts

"Hell no this asshole cant stop us from entering our own tent." "Hello Eugene" I say loudly enough for everyone to hear. The one good thing about your best friend being bullied in 3rd grade is you know things about said bullie and where hes vulnerable, like his name, or that he has a favorite toy teddy bear that he still sleeps with every night.

"That's not my name its"

"We don't give a shit what your name is today just get the fuck out of our way" Eugene looks over at Jacob

"Watch out next time you wont have your little boyfriend here to help fag." And then bad part, he knows where your vulnerable. As he walks away I can see the anger in Jacobs eyes

"Hey man sticks and stones right" I start "hes probably got daddy issues or something"

"I know its just," he sighs "it still hurts." he says looking down.

Ive always known Jacob was gay but unfortunately so did the rest of the class, and he was bullied constantly for it. We've helped each other through a lot, he has helped me through some hard times and Ive helped him with bullies. Im not strong per say but, big, not like overweight but just a big person. "Come on Jacob" I say "its almost time for dinner. as we walk toward the dining hall at the end of the field I see Eugene go into the camp store. "what do you want to bet hes getting this time." I say

"probably more moon pies" Jacob responds

"If he keeps eating like that hes going to be what the teacher shows us when they talk about diabetes" as we walk into the dining hall we see one table in the back that's empty we immediately take it.

Once dinner is over we start to walk back towards our tent. "Hey James" Jacob says

"Ya" I respond

"Ima head to the bathroom ill be back in a minute" Jacob says

"Alright ill be here" I reply not realizing what would happen next.

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