Chapter 2

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Their are descriptive scenes or violence

James POV

As I was getting into bed as I remembered what Eugene had said. "Next time your boyfriend wont be here to protect you." Oh shit.

Jacobs POV

As I walked toward the bathroom I was thinking about James, we had been friends since 3rd grade, but I had always aimed higher. He didn't know that of course cuz that would make it weird between us but I had always hoped. As I approached the bathroom I noticed the door was open, interesting, someone must have left it open. As I rounded the corner to the stalls I saw Eugene.

"Hey Jacob" Eugene said through grinning teeth "wheres your little boyfriend" he sneered

"Ummmm hes uuuhhhh o-outside" I lied, hoping he didn't see through my bad attempt at deception.

"You know" he continued "I don't believe you" he said, gleaming at the chance of me alone "youuuuuuu hwooooooooo, Jameeeeeessss" he called. His mouth twisting into an evil grin. "well it looks like I have you all to myself" and with that he sucker punches me in the stomach. I fell to the floor grasping for breath, it felt as if someone had just ripped the oxygen from my lungs. I was brought back to reality as I felt a foot collide with my spine my entire body twisted as the blow flew through my bones like a cold shiver.

James POV

I threw myself out of bed almost breaking the tent as is I ran barefoot across the field. My head was screaming I had to get there, I reached the door it was ajar i threw it open just in time to see Eugene standing above Jacob who was crumpled on the floor, whimpering, tears streaming down his face. I tried to scream but nothing came out, I watched in horror as Eugene slammed his foot into Jacobs arm. I felt the crunch in my ears as I ran towards Eugene he looked over in shock as my shoulder collided with his stomach, he flew across the room and into the wall he immediately stood up and ran towards the door.  I was so enraged, I wanted to hurt him, but I saw Jacob out of the corner of my eye, crumpled against the wall quivering in pain his face twisted in an unnatural, alien sort of way.  I ran to him unknowing what to do or say.

Jacobs POV

James rushed over to me muttering and trying to reassure me, the pain in my arm is unbearable it fells as if my bones are on fire. My entire body aches from the blows, I struggle to move as James stops me "HELP" he screamed over and over again struggling to comprehend the situation frantically looking about for help. I look up at James, his brown eyes staring into mine, I couldn't look away,  the small onyx orbs surrounded by a thick hazel pierced into my soul and for a moment all my pain was gone. Everything and everyone drift away as I slip into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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