Chapter 1 : rich mornings

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My name is Naomi Rivers , I'm your average 17 year old girl ... well minus well everything . I live in New York and I attend a private school , they are all bitches there so if I want to be respected I must act like one or else I'll just be one of the loners , I don't like that phrase but I don't want to be one none the less . My family are rich , billionaires might I add . My father is a owner of an extremely successful international company, my mother is sort of a housewife she doesn't work but instead spends her time shopping all day . My mom and dad don't pay much attention to me , it's not as if they don't have time it's just like they completely shut out the fact that I'm their daughter , their only daughter .

My mother's maid , Anna , has a daughter my age called dawn , she's my best friend. She's been going to public school the last three years but mom and dad finally agreed to letting Dawn attend 'lightwood' , my private school .

I woke up early the first day of school to get Dawn , she fell asleep on the sofa . 'Dawn come on I don't have all day it's not like public school we have to be on time and look your not even wearing the right blazer'. 'Uh um yeah' she said half awake . 'come to my room and I'll fix your hair, it looks like a nest right now' . As I finished straightening her hair I looked at us both In the mirror . I looked at my curly brunette hair with a Maroon and white striped headband . I looked at Dawns hair , hers was blonde and straight , she also wore the same headband. I looked at my uniform to make sure it's perfect. I wore a navy blazer , white shirt , maroon tie and a navy skirt with high knee Maroon and white pleated socks and black loafers , the most classy shoe in my opinion. Dawn wore the same blazer , shirt and tie except her tie was not as perfectly tied as mine . She wore a skirt but it was longer than mine and white ankle socks with black boots  . I sat on my chair and put on some lip gloss and diamond earrings while dawn went over to grab her schoolbag , it was a denim rucksack . I sprayed my perfume and walked over to make sure my school bag was ready , it was a black leather bag ( fake of course , no animals harmed ) and it had a maroon and white Pom Pom on the zipper . As you can see I'm very put together , everything matches . I took one last look at myself in the mirror as I put my bag on my back and walked out my bedroom door . Myself and Dawn made it to the limo and she ate a few grapes on the way .

'So this is a real bitchy school , right ?!' She asked . 'Yes' , I continued , 'These girls think money is power , they all have money so they all think they have power, but one always must be more powerful than the other' . 'So who would be the most powerful' she asked intrigued. I had to think for a second . I am quite popular , but my biggest competition is Lucy Labelle . She has little minions running around her 24/7 and only actually talks to people if it'll make her more popular. She's dated almost every guy in school , and now she's dating my ex , Lee Jones , his family are the richest amongst us all , mine being second. Anyway back to Lucy all I know is I pretend to be a bitch , she's actually one . 'Um ...' before I could answer we had arrived . The same steps as I seen before, the students gossiping and secretly, but also not so secretly giving one another nasty looks and glances . I took a deep breath out and stepped out of the limo , Dawn not far behind .

'Wow this is ... huge' , she said amazed . 'Eh when u get to know it it's kinda small' I said . As I walked up the first set of steps to the main courtyard I could sense eyes looking at me . I didn't pay much attention until I realized they were staring at Dawn . 'There just being..' I tried to say comfortingly , 'its ok' she replied . We made it up the second and last set of stairs and to the main entrance, assembly would not start for another 5 minutes so I waited beside the door . I checked my phone to see over hundreds of messages, one being Lucy . It read
Heard you've got a new friend this year ... let's just hope she's not some looser like you .. oh and also check the latest news on secret 😉.
Bitch .. but what was on secret ? Secret is a news thing where people reveal others secrets , sometimes they're fake , sometimes they are true . I checked as quick as I could , and my jaw dropped, so they weren't just staring at Dawn , they were staring at me .

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