Chapter 5: The First Date

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       Aphra woke Annabeth up on Friday morning. Nova prepared her bath and helped her in, Annabeth stuck in a daze. Sure she was tired, but she was also trying to process the letter she received the night before. Percy wanted to go on a date with her.

       After she was done with her bath and getting dressed, Annabeth picked up the note off her bedside table; reading through again:

Dearest Annabeth Chase,
It has been an extraordinary pleasure getting to meet you. I want to get to know you better. If you would like, I am asking you for a date. Tomorrow afternoon, say around 2:30, will you please meet me in the library so we can have our tea there?
Ever Yours,
Perseus Jackson

       The words again made her dizzy. Annabeth wasn't usually a girl to swoon, she barely even knew the boy, but something about him made her feel different. Annabeth grabbed Nova's hand as she was passing and placed the note in it. Nova took a few moments to read through it before looking back up at Annabeth with wide eyes. The maid turned and walked into the closet, pulling out a second dress. Annabeth had already been placed in a gown, so she was confused until she saw the one maid was carrying. It was a long blue dress, sure to make the Prince swoon.

       Nova raised the gown, slipping it onto a mannequin in the corner, and facing Annabeth again. Annabeth rushed forward, trying not to trip on her current dress, and pulled Nova into a side hug. By now, the other girls had noticed the commotion and were holding Percy's note between them. Bernadette finished reading first,

       "Congratulations, my lady. This is wonderful." Bernadette, always being the more cheerful of the group, held Annabeth in a hug for a few moments too long. Annabeth had to admit, it was strange being called 'lady,' but she had grown accustomed to her new title.

       "Thank you, Bernadette," Annabeth said, she then turned to look at the blue gown, "This dress is beautiful, it will be perfect."

       "Of course, Annabeth." Aphra said, then looked towards the wall clock, "If you don't leave now, you're going to be late for breakfast." These words sent all the girls into action, which led to Annabeth being pushed into the hallway, tripping over her own feet. She stabled herself and strode as quickly as she could to the dining hall. Annabeth took a moment to collect herself in front of the doors, giving the guards a signal to wait before opening them.

       She smoothed her dress and pushed her curls back behind her shoulders, raising her chin and trying to look confident even if she was anything but. She had a date with the Prince. At her look, the guards opened the doors, and Annabeth strode in. The first thing she noticed was that she had, in fact, been late; the royal family had already sat. Annabeth bit her lip, trying to hide her nervousness from the eyes on her; she stopped and curtsied low, remaining low longer than necessary.

       She walked to her seat beside Piper and across from Hazel, not noticing the newly traded seat that Thalia Grace inhabited. Annabeth kept her head down as her found friends continued to stare. "I have a date with the Prince," she said. That's when the screaming started. It was Piper's.

       "You what?" Piper screeched, grabbing Annabeth's shoulder. This got her eyes up from her lap,

       "Piper, calm down. Everyone's staring again," Annabeth said, her voice low. She watched as the other girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "It's going to be okay, Piper."

       "Annabeth Chase, you better not be lying to me," Piper responded, her voice suddenly deep. This startled Annabeth, what reason would she have to lie to Piper?

       "I'm not lying, Piper. It's true, we're having tea this afternoon," she spoke, her voice rising in pitch. Annabeth turned her gaze from Piper to her other friends, eyes wide and shrugging her shoulders. Her friend released the breath she was holding and opened her eyes,

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