When Memories Get Taken

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Percy stared blankly at kronos, waiting for his next assignment. He wasn't evil by choice—he didn't even know what he was doing.

Leo stood next to him. Unlike before, they didn't smile at each other and make faces, they just blankly waited for instructions.

"Leo, Percy, I want you to go bring back Annabeth chase. And if anyone gets in your way, kill them,"

Percy and Leo didn't even need to nod, they just both walked off and went to Camp Half Blood. The two boys didn't communicate, they just walked in.

The son of the deceased sea god sucked all the moisture from the air besides him and Leo, and Leo held a fireball in his hands.

No moisture wouldn't kill, but it would be difficult to get used to. Percy spokenin a low and the eating voice. "Bring me Annabeth chase,"

Before the campers could do anything, a small voice inturupted. "Percy? Leo?"

"Annabeth chase. Daughter of the dead goddess of wisdom, leader of most campers. Mission: capture her," both Leo and Percy said in a monotone voice, before grabbing her and water traveling away.

The moment they got to the throne room, Annabeth glared at kronos. "What did you do to them? They don't even have remorse—or a personality for that matter,"

"I think you will find that makes a much better soldier. And much better torture. To look into the eyes of the man you loved and see hem have no recognition in his eyes,"

"You wouldn't," Annabeth said, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Kronos just gave an evil and crooked smile, "Percy, I want you to torture miss chase up to the point she's nearly dead,"

Percy nodded and drew riptide. He moved towards Annabeth, brain clouded and no recognition or remorse in his dull green eyes.

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