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"Aww, my precious sugar cookie is blushing!" Rust smiled. Albert blushed more heavily. Rust chuckled and softly pecked his cheek, cuddling him. "Rusty, I have to showerrrr..." Albert whined. "Oki...but can we cuddle?" Rust asked. "Maybe." Albert nodded. Rust let go to let Albert get undressed on his own. Rust got undressed and waited until he could hear the shower turn on. He did. He ran over and gently cuddled Albert. "You clingy big baby.." Albert giggled. "But honey, you're so soft.." Rust rubbed his face against his. Albert sighed, giving in to Rust being clingy. "Anyway, you wanna get in?" Albert asked. Rust nodded. He let go. Albert softly rubbed Rust's hand. They both got in.

Nightmares || Rustbert fanfic (Bit smutty?)Where stories live. Discover now