Before The After

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Alena walked quietly, too quietly. Buildings stacked around her like pebbles. Mist sung from a thousand roofs and poured over streets. Rain puddles slithered past the roads to the docks. Alena walked over the creaky docks and looked down at  the ocean. She was fifty feet above the water, but the rotting wood, and creaking poles made her feel unsteady and higher. Giant waves curled around boats and thrashed them closer to the rocks. 

Alena hated the city and the weather. She used to live in the country and recalled a world without artificial color. Once before, she described what the sky looked like to her friends. None of them believed her. How could they? All they'd ever known was this gray wasteland.

Alena slowed down and pulled a splinter from her shoe. She crossed from the docks to the corner, and waited in a food line. Hundreds stood in front of her. They wanted a bag of flour or a handful of potatoes.

"Last time I do this." Alena breathed. 

Her mother and father had gotten a promotion from the government last week. They were moving to a larger house, with an extra bedroom. It would be the first time Alena had a room to herself. Ever since she had heard the news, she constantly daydreamed about the home.

An iron faced woman slammed her fists on the grimy counter, "What'd ya want?"

Alena flinched back to reality, she was at the front of the line, "F-flour and potatoes."

"Course ya do." The woman sneered, and scooped two cups of powder into a canvas sack. In another sweep, she squished three potatoes in. One potato was green and brown from rot.

Alena wrinkled her nose and slid a dime on the counter.

"Thas a dime and a copper'penny." The woman snapped, "Were ya trying to fox me? Think ya so smart, eh?"

Alena checked her pockets and shakily handed a nickel over, "Change, please."

"No. Teach ya a lesson for tryin ta steal from me."

"I wasn't, and you're stealing from me now."

The woman drew her oily fist back and slapped Alena, "Git!"

Alena staggered from the expressionless crowd and walked down the street. While she passed by the docks again, she noticed a boy following her. He darted behind a trash can when she looked back. Alena quickened her pace. She glanced over her shoulder and saw two more boys. The oldest was wiry and wild. His hair was in knotts, and all his teeth were crooked. 

Alena's heart was beating faster than she could count. She ran. She ran down the docks. Her apartment was only a few blocks away. Footsteps thundered behind her.

Suddenly, another boy burst from a alley and bolted for Alena. He yanked her arm and twisted the sack from her hands. They were going to steal from her. Alena drew her fist behind her waist and punched the boy. He staggered back and wiped blood from his nose. A devilish grin spread over his face, "What do you say we do with her?"

"I think she needs a swimmin lesson."

Alena froze in panic. Firm hands grabbed her arms and legs, dragging her to the miry ocean. Below the docks was twenty feet of air, and then, jagged rocks and massive waves. "I can't swim." She screamed, "Help-" A hand choked her mouth. Alena saw one more face come into view and knew she would die. The fifth boy ran towards them.

Several things happened in an instant. The oldest kid got a sour look and fell backwards, choking. His companions froze. One fell backwards in a blur. The new boy swung a plywood board and cracked the oldest between the ribs. When the boys fled, the newcomer sprinted after them, yelling.

Alena shakily brushed herself off. Her rescuer turned back for a moment. He had sky blue eyes. Sky blue eyes that should be cheery, but his weren't. His eyes told a thousand stories, stories of hardship. Alena recognised that look. She had seen it in her brother when he came back from war. That look made her feel dizzy and sick.

Blurred with tears, Alena ran down the street, and scaled a long steel staircase. She burst into her damp apartment and slammed the door.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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