meatwad bitch (stand)

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[The stand ain't got no name yet]
Yeah alright, it's ability is to make nearly any part of the user's body extremely enlarged, bones grow sharp attachments that usually protrude out of the skin, but only one limb can be "enlarged" at a time, and the "effect" migrates from sections of the body (which does take some time) like an insect crawling beneath the skin, bones also grow spikes in certain areas, it acts similar to the muscle that migrates, which is why there is a line of spikes down the user's back that is always there by default when the stand is not in effect, non-stand users are unable to see the spikes or enlargements, only the damage it causes.
The muscle that lays inactive when the stand is not being used, takes the form of a tail, no scales or fur, not even skin, just a wad of muscle and flesh that resembles a tail. Although not many see the appendage or the spikes, said nuisances are very much there, such as when lying down in a water bed, it would cause punctures.
Different areas of the body have different "enlargements" say for an arm, it becomes rather muscly, but the hand is more like a very large meaty claw, bones poking out to replace weak keratin nails, the forearm also grows a couple muscles to accommodate for such a large amount of weight (for context, the hand grows to be twice the size of the user's thigh). The leg is "enlarged" in a way as to morph into a sort of reptilian leg, but no scales, if you're wondering what it looks like, think T-Rex.
The head, torso, etc. are often instead "enlarged" to grow a mouth (more than one in the case of the torso/abdomen, for the head it just causes other alterations to the already existing mouth), said mouths have sharper teeth and such, the gums also morph along with a couple more muscles to better control the longer and more dangerous teeth.
Some places are simply unaffected by the stand and have no effect or anything done to them, just a simple resilience and little to no offensive mutations.
The eyes and ears however, are made to be "independent" and move on their own while still being connected to the user, but they do have their limits in relation to how far they can travel.

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