• Chapter 1 • After the battle •

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Devil's POV


It was all over. Just in a heartbeat, I got defeated by these cups. No, Devil, focus. You have to make sure everyone is all patched up and healing. You have to make sure he is ok...

I walked into the casino. Almost everyone was all patched up. "B-boss?! What happened to you?!" asked Wheezy right away. "The same thing that happened to all of you." I answered back. "Those cups beat you too...?" that was the voice of Mangosteen. "Yes... they are much more powerful then I thought... And I know there's something sticky going on with their finger guns..." I admitted. "But anyways, where is Dice?" They all looked at me with sad or worried faces. I tilted my head in confusion. "He... went to you boss... And never returned." Oh, no! He must've heard what I said... But he won't mind... Right...? We always do name callings... "Thanks." And I left.

He was probably in his room. I ran there as fast as I could without seeming suspicious. Faint sobs could be heard in the distance. Once I was at the royal purple door of King Dice, I knocked on it. I waited. The faint sobs continued. I waited a minute, a two. Nothing. Still only sobs. I knocked a second time, more intensely. Still nothing. "King Dice! Please open-" I was cut of by the elegant yet deep voice of Dice. "And why should I?!" he was obviously angry. "Because I care-" "Care?! CARE?! Since when?! The last time I check I was a, what was it again, good-for-nothing lackey to you!" No... He heard me... Dang it, Devil! Why can't you do anything right?! "Listen, King, I'm sorry-" "Sorry?! Ha! You don't have feelings! How can you even try feeling sorry-" that snapped something in me. "BŭŦ î ØŋČě ĤåÐ!" he stayed silent. So did I. "... Just... stay..., please. You don't have to do anything... I just want you to stay..."

Dice's POV

He wanted me to stay... Just like that... Without me having to do anything... That was unexpected, especially from him. But nevertheless, he offers me a free home. I'll take it.

"... Fine I'll stay..." I can't deny that I loved the demon. As much as I myself don't want to believe it. As much as I want to hate him, I just can't. "Thank you..., Dice..." He hasn't called me "Dice" in quite a while. He'd use nicknames when we were around eachother and "King Dice" in public. And with that I could hear his footsteps further away by each second, indicating that he was leaving.

I layed on my bed, with eyes closed. I was trying to fall asleep, but just couldn't. Something was keeping me awake, but it wasn't the pain of my wounds, for some reason it wasn't the feeling of betrayal when Devil called me a good for nothing lackey... It was a feeling I knew way to well. A feeling of regret. Only if I opened that door. If only I accepted his apology or at least gave him a chance to say everything that he had to say... Maybe, just maybe it would have turned out differently. If only I told him how I really feel, all those chances I had, maybe it wouldn't have been this way. If only...

Suddenly I was pulled out of the clouds by my phone (yes, they do have phones in this fanfic). I looked to see who it is and I saw no other then the old Kettle. Why on earth is he calling me?! We haven't talked in years!... Well, sense I started working here... I was having a debate with myself on whether I should pick up or not. But at the end I picked up. The caring and comforting voice of Elder Kettle rang through my ears. "Dice? I'm surprised you actually picked up!" he sounded glad. "I should be the one who's surprised. You, calling me, At this time of the night!" I answered with a chuckle. He laughed a bit as well. "But anyways, why are you calling Elder Kettle? You must be quite desperate to call me!" sighing can be heard on the other side of the line. "I... It's... complicated... I will explain everything to you, if you're willing to come to the old cottage..." "I'm coming right over!" I said with a face filled with determination.

I grabbed my coat and ran off to the cottage. I didn't want go through the main gate so I jumped through the window and started running to the cottage as fast as I can.

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