• Chapter two • promises •

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Dice's POV

I ran as fast as I could to the old cottage which I grew with. Well not with, by. I knew the way there all too well. I didn't bother acknowledging the fact that people were staring at me with both, scared, disgusted, worried and confused glares. They always have... The only place where I felt safe was with Kettle and in the casino. Bit because of my stupidity and stubbornness i might lose both.

The forests were just as I remember, dark, creepy, stale and uninviting. I honestly don't know why Elder still wanted to stay here. And just then I heard it "Dice!" It was Motato. Well, shoot! "Great to see ya back!" it was the voice Psycarrot. "Wait a sec... You aren't mad... Or scared...?" The root pack shook their heads. "I'm confused... I thought everyone here hated me..." They were laughing, even Wheepy was. "We? Hating you? No!" confirmed the onion. "But anyways. Where are you headed to?" "Oh, the old Kettle called me for help on something. I thought I'd be his last option considering that he hates me-.". "What?!" freaked out Motato "Him, hating you?! Are you hearing to what you're saying?! He thought you hated him?" "Only in his wildest imaginations!" I laughed. "Well you better get going. It seems like whatever is going on might be either dangerous or important." advised Psycarrot. "Yeah... Well, it was a pleasure to see y'all again!" I said with a smile. This was my childhood home and I was more then glad to be back again...

Once at the front door of my childhood home I look down nervously. Everything was just as I remember. The garden had the same flowers as the day I left and even looking through the little window nothing seemed changed. Yet, nothing felt the same... It felt like I was a toddler again, lost in the woods... running- No! No time for this Dice! You have to go inside. Just one simple knock.... One simple knock... One simple.......

I can't do it! I can't f*!king do it! It hurts too much! This man had helped me so much and what did he get in return?! Nothing! He got absolutely nothing! No help in his old years, no money, not even a tad bit of sympathy! The only thing that I had given this kettle were sorrows, messes to clean and pain! Not to mention I almost took his grandsons away from him! Kids I helped him raise when they first showed up! I didn't mind taking their souls like it was nothing! I was even gonna enjoy it! I really am a soul bound for hell!

After a few minutes I finally decided to take my chances and knock. It took around half a minute for the door to open. But once it did I was greeted with Elder Kettle's sweet and welcoming smile. "Ah, Dice, my boy! Please come in! I was getting worried you wouldn't show up..." He greeted. "Sorry..." I apologised "I got caught by the root pack on the way here... Alas, even now I hate the woods more than anything in the world..." I rubbed the back of my die, since I don't really have a neck... "No worries, Dice! We both know how they are!" my mentor replied, with a pat on the back. I came in and sat on the old couch. He sat next to me on his chair. "But anyways, why'd you call me here. By what the root pack said I was like a last option, and I quote "Him, hating you?! Are you hearing to what you're saying?! He thought you hated him?"..." "Heh....". We stayed silent for a minute. Then two. Untill I finally spoke. "I guess... We both were in a big misunderstanding all these years..." Elder nodded in agreement. "But, you aren't halfway wrong. You are my only option, Dice. Because only you know who I really am...". I looked at him, confused. After a few seconds I got what he was saying. I could see the worry in his eyes. "W-what about the kids...?" I asked. He sighed. "It's better if they never knew.... If they have never found out this wouldn't be happening. I'm such a bad guardian! I should have-" I cut him off with a hug. " Let's start from the beginning. Ok?"

He took a deep breath and started explaining. "You know I've always wanted to find the way to immortality... And as much as I hate to admit it those studies cost me all my younger years. But untill you came they were only theoretical. But you, you were willing to help me proof them. And... you remember the faithful day... Right?". I just nodded. "After that day, immortality was achieved and you helped me do it, parcelly, without knowing. But you were already eighteen when that happened. You were quite mature. And that's where I went wrong." I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean?" "I'll tell you soon enough.... Back to what I was saying, something went wrong. And well, after years, Cuphead and Mugman found out as well. They wanted to try it out, and for a long time I refused. But when they came back with the news, I knew I had to give it to them. After all, they might've defeated the debtors with anything else, even the Devil maybe, but you... It was the only thing that could defeat you. So I gave it to them... But, here is where I went wrong..."

He pulled something from behind the chair. I didn't see it clearly till now, but once it came into my sight, I immediately recognized it. It was the basket Cups and Mugs were brought in. And there they were, in there. "Turns out that the potion only works on well adapted organisms. They were just twelve... They weren't that adapted yet..." Guilt could be seen in his eyes. "H-hey... Kettle, don't worry! We'll fix this-" "No, Dice. You'll fix this." I looked at him, confused and... Scared. "What do ya mean...?" I asked but I had already figured it out, I could just hope I was wrong. "My time has ended, my boy... I'll have to go one way or another... But this is one of the best ways, I could possibly wish for-" "N-no! Don't say that! You'll live!-" "Everything must come to an end and lives aren't any different, Dice." Before I knew it I was sobbing. "I-I'm sorry, Kettle... I caused so much trouble for you and never got to repay you... And now- now I'll never get the chance to!-" The rusty old kettle hugged me, letting me rest into his warm embrace. "Just take care of the boys... That's enough for a repayment..." I nodded, whipping a few tears away. "Now go... It's getting late and now that you aren't on a strict work ethic you can finally catch up on sleep." "How did you-" "You don't have any make-up, Dice. Dark circles are clearly visible under your eyes." "Oh yeah..." I remember now. It all wend down my face, because if crying! "Well, I should really get going... And um, is this our final goodbye..." I asked as we both got up and started heading towards the door. Elder Kettle nodded. "I'm afraid so..." "Well, if that's so... Thank you... For everything..." I gave him a sad, small, smile, which he returned. "It was all my pleasure, Dice..." And with one final hug we parted ways.

With the basket in my hand I speed walked back to the casino, careful not to drop it. Luckily the two were already asleep and weren't a pain in the a**. Once inside I placed the basket next to my bed and fell asleep not even bothering to change. From tommorow on I was gonna be a parent... I guess...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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