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it was a black pit of darkness and silence other than katsuki's own breathing. katsuki's 'dreams' were always like this so it didnt affect him much.

but this one was..different. he began to stop breathing and then felt like he was..floating but falling at the same time and his body felt so light. it was calming yet uncomfortable at the same time because he couldnt breath but other than that. he didnt care about it. it then hit him that katsuki was drowning. he then began to feel really uncomfortable. he was about to give his last breath until..

he woke up. in a cold sweat too. as he was panting he looked over at the clock. it was 5:21. his second year of yueei too. he basically, no. was at his house the whole summer and when his friends asked him to hang out he would decline he didnt completely ghost them though, he woud still text the group and they would facetime too aswell. he just didnt feel the point in getting up at all, except to shower and brush his teeth of course. but that was it. when his parents werent on a buisness trip they would always try and talk to him but only got like 4 sentences out of the explosive blonde half of the time. they were worried for their child. but now that we have the out of the way lets continue. katsuki groaned as he got up from his bed and went to his bathroom, looking himself in the mirror disgusted him. he began to take of his clothes and get into his shower. the steam hitting his cuts and making him wince a tiny bit but after a bit the pain stopped. he washed his hair and his body and finished. when he got out he brushed his teeth (and his tongue PLEASE BRUSH Y'ALLS TONGUES TOO.) once he was finished he got dressed. he noticed his uniform was a little bit big on him. probably because he hadnt ate in like weeks..or maybe months. he didnt keep count. when he walked out his room he saw a note on the outside of it.

'hey brat. sorry we couldnt be there for your first day back at school but we left money for food etc. we'll be gone for about 2 weeks but you'll be moving back into your dorm so it wont matter. anyways..bye ya brat! we love you. (most of the time)
-Ma and Pa <3'
"typical" he chuckled. though the last part made him smile he still felt sad that they were leaving, again but he ignored them the whole summer. he made his way down the stairs and walked out to be surprised by the 'baksquad' his idiot friends liked to call it. "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS SCARED ME" they all giggled and began walking. "bakugo, did you get smaller?" kamanari or 'pikachu' katsuki liked to call him asked. "what? no. you idiots just got taller!"
"he's just joking with you bakubro!" kirishima told katsuki laughing with sero and kamanari. "whatever. anyways, where's mina?" "AWEEE, THANKS FOR WORRYING HON!" mina said running up to bakugo and hugging him. "what the fucks y'alls problem with scaring the living shit outta me? AND I WASNT PINKY." bakugo yelled at the shorter girl making her laugh. "sorry for being late guys, I went to mcdonalds to get breakfast and the line was long.." "and you didnt get us any? how mean!" kamanari said. "bitch im broke..anyways, are you guys excited for this year of school?" mina asked earning a "for sure dude! this years gonna be so manly!" from kirishima, "a hell yeah." from kamanari, and a "you bet!" from sero. "suki? how about you." mina asked noticing bakugo hadnt said anything yet. "what? oh. its whatever. and dont call me that." "okay suki!" the rest of the walk to school wasnt long. or katsuki's friends made it seem shorter talking about memes and laughing their asses off.
"we're here dumbasses" katsuki said walking to the door. "its still early we have time left lets go to the dorms and meet up with everyone!" kamanari said. "ugh..fine." they walked over to heights allowance and were soon at the front doors. "heh, bakugo you're about to feel like midoriya compared to the others." sero said chuckling. katsuki didnt hang out with the rest of his class other than the bakusquad so he didnt know if they had any major changes in them. "what the fuck-" oh shit. ALMOST ALL OF THE BOYS IN 2A ARE TALLER THAN ME- that leaves deku ofc but it looks like he's now the same size as me just a tiny bit shorter. by all of the boys e x c e p t m*****. because i t wasnt a boy. it was a creature. "WELL THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC" katsuki said to himself not meaning to yell but he did and he caught everyone's attention. "kacchan, its good to see youre back and okay! you didnt hang out with us at all this summer.." midoriya said walking up to katsuki. "because I didnt want to you nerd, now get out of my way." he said walking out and going to class. "dunno why I came here.." "c'mon bakubro.. wait we have like 30 minutes left still!" kirishima said grabbing katsuki's wrist and dragging him to the couch. "tch." he started zoning out and not paying attention at all until one conversation made his blood boil. "wow..bakugo didnt get taller at all!" m***** said. "YOU FUCKING PERVERT GRAPE SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH MICRO-PEEN." leaving almost everyone shocked by the last comment but the bakusquad were crying from laughter. mineta just stayed quiet. "how tall are all the boys in the class anyways?" kamanari said trying to get on bakugo's nerves and succeeding. "fuck you dun-" "well I'M now 5'9 and taller than bakubro" kirishima said wanting to annoy katsuki even more. "thats cool! im 5'10" sero joined in. is their only talent pissing me off? katsuki thought "oh, todoroki how tall are you?" "6'1"
"WOW DID YOU HEAR THAT ONE SUKI?" mina asked nudging katsuki's shoulder. "awww, suki! thats a cute nickname!" hagakure said. "dont fucking call me that, I already told you-" "OH, midoriya how tall are you?"kamanari asked grinning. "5-5'7.." midoriya said. "and bakugo, how tall are y-"kamanari asked again. "im going to class. fuck you." bakugo said glaring at the bakusquad. "PLEASE." kirishima screamed as bakugo stormed out face red from anger. "kirishima, do you have a crush on bakugo?" uraraka asked. "huh? no. we always joke like that."
"joke?" todoroki asked not understanding why they were teasing their friend and calling it that.
the bakusquad got a mischievous look on their faces. "yeah, dude! you should totally do that to bakugo anytime he says stuff like that, its super funny!" "....okay."

the bakusquad just thought it would be funny if todoroki did that. but what they didnt know was that this would start a strong relationship between to two stubborn boys. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

anyways, sorry this chapter sucks ass. its 8:30am and I havent got any sleep for like a week n shit and I havent slept once tonight so yeah, ima do that. or try- anyways..love y'all!💕😽

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