Fight for you.

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             At the end of the day I drove home, just like every other day but today felt different. I was lying in bed after I did my homework for the night and I was about to fall asleep when I realized I hadn't seen any darkness that night, it still was mostly grey but it seemed to be slowly getting brighter. The next day I woke up late because my alarm had gotten unplugged somehow (perks of having two brothers who like to play pranks). I quickly got dressed and drove to school. I was 15 minutes late, and this is a first for me, being late to school. I parked and hurried to get to the entrance of the school when I saw him. Obviously today wasn't my day because there he was leaning against the building smoking a cigarette. I tried to hide my face and walk as fast as I could without sprinting past him, but when I felt something grab the back of my jacket, I spun around quickly. He dropped and put out his cigarette and half smiled, half smirked. I tried to push him off my jacket saying I'm late and have to get to class, but then he took my hand and started leading me away from the school. I protested quickly but he wouldn't let go and I soon realized that even if he would have, I would have still went with him. It's not that I like the way he seems to put a spell over me that makes me follow him like a puppy, but when I'm in his presence that lingering darkness seems to get smaller and smaller. He then led me to his truck. It was lifted and I knew I was going to look like a total dummy trying to pull myself up into it. I was right. He started driving, the whole 20 minute drive neither of us said anything to each other, but it still wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a calming one. We soon got to a field, it was full of flowers and in the very middle it looked like there was some kind of fruit tree, apple maybe. He smiled at me but for the first time it wasn't a half smirk, it was a full genuine smile. We got out of the truck and he said "I think I've been coming off wrong the last couple of times that we have talked. When I first walked into Mr. Johnson's classroom, I felt odd, but like a good kind of odd. I didn't know why until I looked around and saw your face. I could see the darkness behind your eyes Lou; I could see the spark when we looked at each other. And I know your thinking how in the hell does he know this, and the only reason I do is because it has been haunting me to. Whenever I lay down at night it's like a cloud of darkness would just come over me and I couldn't get away. Nothing had made it better until I saw you. For the first time in forever I finally saw the brightness trying to fight its way back in, I'm fighting for you, and you're fighting for me. It's like the universe decided for us that we were going to have to be each other soldiers, fight for each other's freedom." And in that moment I realized that nothing has ever made more sense, everything he said was true and I knew, I could feel it, I was going to be strong for him. I was going to fight for him; this isn't just my fight anymore, now I'm keeping two people from the dark. I didn't know what to say... so I just hugged him, I finally said "I'm going to fight for you, and together we are going to win."

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