Chapter 2

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"Hey Holly!" I yelled bursting through the hospital door.

"Please ma'am, this is a hospital," a nurse said.

"Yeah not a library!" I yell again, she sighs then turned back to some old dying man.

"I just got run over and I still look better than you, what is that outfit?" Holly remarks.

"Its thrifted," Charlotte says defensively

"Yeah from my dead grandmas closet," she rolls her eyes and continues sucking up clout.

"Anyway..." Charlotte said, "I got you a gift for running you over." Lila walked in a blue jacket and Charlotte yelps and hides behind Hollys bed.

"Oh it's just you."

"You got arrested again didn't you," Lila groans.

"Innocent until proven guilty," she winks

"If i have to bail you out of custody one more time I will kill you," Lila warned glaring.

"You won't have to, she'll toibaky get herself kills," Holly said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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