3 | Ending

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When Grace was six, she watched a film with her older brother. The film wasn't known for being scary but it had elements in it that put a horrible feeling in her stomach, she knew that it was a situation that she never wanted to find herself in. Little did she know, fourteen years later she would find herself having to deal with the aftermath. She had found herself at Erling's house; just the two of them, alone and talking about their issues.

But they weren't alone for long.

Just before Erling had the chance to kiss Grace, they were interrupted by strange voices from downstairs. The footsteps were noisier as they moved closer towards the room the two ex-lovers were in; the voices became deafening, the breathes became heavier, the screams became louder.

Grace was terrified. She had never been in this position before, she was just glad that she had Erling with her. Her cheeks were bright red from all the crying, she had lost count of all the bruises and scratches that now covered her dainty body. She didn't know how long they had been in the room, but she was praying that it was almost over.


Fourteen days on and Grace still wasn't feeling herself, most nights she would cry herself to sleep. She had excused herself from work, she didn't know how long she was going to be off for but she knew it was going to take some time before she was ready to go back. She hadn't properly spoken to Jadon in seven days; the last conversation they had was just before she left the hospital, he was trying to be strong around her but it was becoming tough.

That wasn't helped by the constant presence of Erling, Grace found comfort in her former boyfriend. Not only had they been through the same experience, he was the only person she truly felt she could be herself around. As the days went on she found herself wishing that everything could back to the way it was; she felt bad for Jadon, she understood that it was awkward for him.


Jadon had spent twenty minutes staring at his teammates; he was hosting the latest team bonding session, but his mind was still on Grace. He had only been asked a simple question by Marco, but even that was hard to answer.

How was he doing? He didn't have the answer, he was feeling lots of emotions.

"Bro, you good?" Jadon's eyes focused on a waving Marco. He scanned the room to see everyone's eyes on him, patiently waiting for an answer. His gaze landed on Erling, they hadn't spoken since the incident had happened.

"It's been a difficult couple of weeks, but I'm doing good," Jadon said, a reassuring smile appearing on his face.

But he was lying. The past two weeks had been a nightmare and he knew it was all his fault, he just didn't want to admit that to anybody yet. However, he knew that he had to be honest for the people he cared about to start healing, he was just worried about the consequences the truth would cause.


Erling knew something was bothering Jadon, they hadn't said a word to each other in nearly two weeks. They had tried to make conversation but it always ended quickly; Jadon was finding it difficult to accept the budding new friendship between the pair, whilst Erling was annoyed at the lack of interest his teammate had shown in Grace recently.

"I know you said to the team your alright bro, but I don't believe you. Are you angry with me and Grace?" Erling sighed, he needed answers.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm not overly happy with what's going on between you two but I have no right to complain," Jadon said with a shrug of the shoulders.

"It's such a messed-up situation," Erling exhaled. He understood how hard this conversation was going to be for the both of them, but he knew it was one they needed to have. "But you need to sort yourself out and be there for Grace, she really needs you!"

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