The room

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Chapter 1 {The Room}
The summer of 2019 Mya had a really bad headache. And her mom knew after three days she was supposed to take her to the hospital. Instead of her mother taking her to the hospital.she went to a job interview.So Maya's grandma marge took her to the hospital.They got mya to a room right away! Now mya and her grandmother are in the room waiting for a nuse.

Chapter 2 [The Call Of fear]

Maya's grandma gets a call from Maya's mother she says "she is on her way with mya's two sisters kate and mia. When Kate sees mya she starts to cry. So mya told her she is fine. When she is in pain but is trying to stay in storage for them. 

Chapter 3 [Brother love]

Then the grandma gets a call from mya's older brother quann.He told his grandma to give her the phone." He asked her if she was ok?" She said yes even though she said yes she knows she is not. Her brother is on the phone crying because he thinks something bad is going to happen to her. She gives the phone back to her grandma because she doesn't want to see him hurt. When she is already in pain herself.So he hangs up the phone in anger.

Chapter 4 [will she leave or stay?]

The nurse walks in to check on mya. The nurse asks how she is feeling? She doesn't answer because she is in so much pain . So her grandma answers for her and says "you need a doctor in here now! As that's happening her mother comes in to make matters worse. She told the nurse she will leave and take her to another hospital.

Chapter 5 [ The Talk }

So the Grandma told her to leave before things get out of hand. For once in her life she listened to her mother. So now her mom is outside crying because she thinks that they will let her  stay in pain  and won't help her. Mya told her grandma to go check on her mom.Ask her what is wrong. Erica says" mom this is too much and im trying but she acts like i'm the devil. Well Erica, look at the way you're acting. You just need to be there! Not try and start no drama at least not in a hospital. NOW GET YOUR BUT BACK IN THERE! Just then you hear.... GRANDMA! 

Chapter 6 [The Scream]
Mya yells as they try to stick her with a big needle! Mya's grandmother tells them to " get away from her now!"Her grandma walks over to her and tells mya to look away and hold her hand. They stuck her with that and she didn't even feel it. After a few minutes it started to hurt.

Chapter 7 [ the hunger was real]

Then Mya got hungry but the nurse said she wasn't allowed to eat anything. Mya's grandma wasn't going to leave her hungry. So she sent her mom to go get her sum McDonald's but she only ate two nuggets. Then her head started hurting again so she told her grandma she was going to sleep. As Mya is sleeping her grandma is praying the surgery goes well. As the grandma is praying the nurse comes in...

Chapter 8 { the fight for the week ahead}

The nurse comes in to tell her they have to stay for a week to see if she really needs the surgery. The grandma replied with " you don't think she needs the surgery but you can clearly see she is in pain. LADY! GET OUT MY FACE! And while you're gone tell the doctor I need to see him please.

Chapter 9 {the doctor in trouble}
Twenty minutes later.... The doctor comes to the room. He ask " what is the problem here mrs.Marge. "I'll tell you the problem that little dipstick told me we have to stay here for a week! What kind of hospital is this! You better figure this out or I will take my granddaughter and leave this place. I WILL NOT LET HER DIE NOR WILL I LET YALL KILL OR HURT HER! That's not why we came here so I'll ask again when is she getting her surgery! The doctor says " ok miss we need you to calm down and have a sit.

Chapter 10 [ she is awake]
Then Mya wakes up and ask " what's going on? and who are you? Where am I at?The doctor asked Mya '' do you know where you are? Mrs. marge says " are you stupid? She said she doesn't know! He asked her if she knew who she was? She says '' who the heck are you?" Who is the lady?"  Miss Marge says " I'm your grandma baby".  She starts walking near her... Mya yelled at her to get away from her. Her Grandma tells her I'm your grandma please calm down. Mya told her she's never seen her in her life!  Her grandma shows her a picture of them as she shows ...Mya the picture Maya's mom texted to her she dropped off her two sisters. Mya said how do you have pictures of me? Where is my phone? Mya's grandma tells her it's right here. Mya asked her why do you have my phone? She tells her " because you gave it to me before you went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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